开会、决策、谈判、宴请,不管你是经理还是老板,在商言商的商务人士们总要面对竞争的压力和无奈的消耗,从周一到周末,从早晨到深夜,人在江湖身不由己的你是否早已淡忘了休闲的惬意和运动的畅快?而兴致所至偶尔为之的体育运动又常会令你在场上疲于奔命,气喘如牛,感叹体力不支,今不如昔。对年龄日增,事业有成的老板们更是如此。 在重视生命质量、倡导健康生活的今天,会工作和会生活是不可或缺的两个方面,那么,有没有特别适合商务人士,尤其是老板们的休闲运动方式呢?高尔夫便是最佳的选择之一。甚至可以这么说,经过高尔夫运动三、四百年的
Meetings, decision-making, negotiations, banquets, whether you are a manager or the boss, the business people in business negotiations have to face the pressure of competition and helpless consumption, from Monday to the weekend, from morning till late, people arena Have you ever forgotten the pleasure of leisure and exercise of fun? And occasionally interest to the sport often makes you exhausted on the field, asthma, lamented tired, this is not as good as the past. This is especially true for the growing number of successful employers. Nowadays, when it comes to quality of life and advocating a healthy lifestyle, it is an indispensable aspect of work and life. So, is there any way of recreational sports that is particularly suitable for business people, especially the employers? Golf is the best Choose one. You can even say that after three or four hundred years of golfing