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  An old sweater
  David was a poor man. He lived with his grandfather. He went out for a job every day, but he always failed. On a cold evening he sat alone on a bench in the street. An old woman went up and said to him,“You are so kind, young man. I’m very hungry. Please help me!”David answered sadly, “Sorry,I’m as hungry as you. I can’t take out anything except my old clothes. ”The woman was disappointed and went away. David saw her hunchback and took off his old sweater. He caught up with her,“This is my old sweater. You can sell it and buy some food.”Then he ran away in a hurry. The woman held the old sweater in the cold wind and felt warm from head to foot.
  Have you ever heard one song? It says“Please let me help you just like helping myself.”If you do as the song says, you will make the world more beautiful.
  Seasons around the world
  Many countries in the northern hemisphere have four seasons. But in some areas the winter is not cold, and in other areas the summer is not so hot.
  In the southern hemisphere, many countries have four seasons too, but these countries have the opposite seasons. When it is summer in China, it is winter in Australia. When it is winter in China, it is summer in Australia.
  Countries near the equator do not usually have different seasons. Temperatures are usually similar all year round. But many countries near the equator have wet and dry seasons. Singapore, for example, has two monsoon seasons when the country has more rain. They are from December to March and from June to September.
  注:hemisphere 半球;areas(复)地区,区域;
  opposite 相反的;equator 赤道;
  similar 相似的;monsoon 季风
  Who is the best?
  One day the animals discussed who was the best among them.
  —“It’s me”!growled the lion. “Because I’m the most redoubtable.”
  —“No, it’s me,” exclaimed the elephant, “because I’m the biggest.”
  —“Not at all, it’s me,” hissed the viper, “because my bite is always merciless.”
  —“And me?”cried the eagle. “Ain’t I the one who flies highest?”
  The discussion continued for a long time. The cheetah claimed the title because he ran fastest; the giraffe, because he was the tallest; the python, because he was the longest; and the ewe, because she was the most patient...
  Finally they all agreed to call upon man’s help and asked him for an arbitration. The man arrived and said:
  —“The best animal? It’s the cow because she’s the most useful to me.”
  Every judgement is first made according to one’s own interest.
  注:growl 闷声吼道;redoubtable 令人生畏的;hiss(蛇的)嘘声;viper 毒蛇;merciless 残忍的;cheetah 猎豹;claime the title 争这个称号;giraffe 长颈鹿;python 蟒蛇;ewe 雌羊;arbitration 裁决
以往我国土建结构工程计算中 ALGOL60程序应用得较为广泛,但目前绝大部分的微型机上,均未配备 ALGOL60语言的编译程序,而应用 PASCAL 语言将 ALGOL60土建程序移植到微机中是
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小珊阿姨一个人过。一个人去买几两肉,几十根菜,一疙瘩姜大小如足趾。一个人将向里的筋筋瓣瓣剔净,将韭菜一根根理齐,洗个十遍八遍。之后她一个人开始将肉细着均着地剁,剁得缓急有致,听上去像捶小鼓点。于是有人听听便会说:“小珊一个人还不省省心,费那么些事包饺子,不就她一个人吃嘛!”若久不听小珊阿姨的小鼓点,人也会说:“小珊一个人过得到底马虎,老长时间家里连烟都不冒。一个人,总也得吃吧?”  远远瞧小珊阿姨