Unsteady Inflow Effects on the Wake Shed from a High-Lift LPT Blade Subjected to Boundary Layer Lami

来源 :Journal of Thermal Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gugugou
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An experimental investigation on the near and far wake of a cascade of high-lift low-pressure turbine blades subjected to boundary layer separation over the suction side surface has been carried out, under steady and unsteady inflows. Two Reynolds number conditions, representative of take-off/landing and cruise operating conditions of the real engine, have been tested. The effect of upstream wake-boundary layer interaction on the wake shed from the profile has been investigated in a three-blade large-scale linear turbine cascade. The comparison between the wakes shed under steady and unsteady inflows has been performed through the analysis of mean velocity and Reynolds stress components measured at midspan of the central blade by means of a two-component crossed miniature hot-wire probe. The wake development has been analyzed in the region between 2% and 100% of the blade chord from the central blade trailing edge, aligned with the blade exit direction. Wake integral parameters, half-width and maximum velocity defects have been evaluated from the mean velocity distributions to quantify the modifications induced on the vane wake by the upstream wake. Moreover the thicknesses of the two wake shear layers have been considered separately in order to identify the effects of Reynolds number and incoming flow on the wake shape. The self-preserving state of the wake has been looked at, taking into account the different thicknesses of the two shear layers. The evaluation of the power density spectra of the velocity fluctuations allowed the study of the wake unsteady behavior, and the detection of the effects induced by the different operating conditions on the trailing edge vortex shedding. An experimental investigation on the near and far wake of a cascade of high-lift low-pressure turbine blades subjected to boundary layer separation over the suction side surface has been carried out, under steady and unsteady inflows. Two Reynolds number conditions, representative of take -off / landing and cruise operating conditions of the real engine, have been tested. The effect of upstream wake-boundary layer interaction on the wake shed from the profile has been investigated in a three-blade large-scale linear turbine cascade. The comparison between the wakes shed under steady and unsteady inflows has been performed through the analysis of mean velocity and Reynolds stress components measured at midspan of the central blade by means of a two-component crossed miniature hot-wire probe. The wake development has been analyzed in the region between 2% and 100% of the blade chord from the central blade trailing edge, aligned with the blade exit direction. Wake integral parameters, half-w idth and maximum velocity defects have been from from the mean velocity distributions to quantify the modifications induced on the vane wake by the upstream wake. the thicknesses of the two wake shear layers have quantify the modifications of Reynolds number and incoming flow on the wake shape. The self-preserving state of the wake has been looked at, taking into account the different thicknesses of the two shear layers. The evaluation of the power density spectra of the velocity fluctuations allowed the study of the wake unsteady behavior, and the detection of the effects induced by the different operating conditions on the trailing edge vortex shedding.
煤矿安全生产工作事关最广大人民群众的根本利益,事关改革发展和稳定的大局。所以受到党和国家的高度重视,要坚持党的安全生产方针,要以“安全发展”为指导原则,要以标本兼治,重在治本。首先要以人的生命为本,科学发展首先要安全发展,和谐社会首先要关爱生命。  煤矿安全具有系统性、伴随性等特点。事故发生在井下,但隐患可能在井上;事故发生在生产过程中,但祸根可能在建设过程中就已经种下;事故发生在煤矿,但根源可能
一、我国农业科技水平与世界先进水平的差距    从以下九个方面的比较中,可以清楚地看出我国同世界先进水平的差距。  1、农作物品种。我国拥有丰富的品种资源,但在种质资源研究利用的深度如抗性基因的发掘利用,野生种、边缘种优良特性的利用,利用生物技术保存种质资源和人工创造新种质等方面与先进国家相比还比较落后。资源鉴定和品种资源工作体系也不夠完善。  2、栽培技术。目前我国的耕作栽培技术体系仍停留在常规
台湾财团法人资讯工业策进会,为非营利组织,成立于1979年;荣誉董事长为李国鼎先生,董事长为黄河明先生,执行长为林逢庆先生。该会下设14个业务部门;现有职工1 300人,硕士以上学历占