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根据党的十六大提出的到2020年,我国全面建成小康社会奋斗目标,江苏省泰兴市委、市政府提出在2000年基本建成小康社会的基础上,到2010年人均地区生产总值超过3000美元,全面建成小康社会,到2020年成为全国率先基本实现现代化的县级市之一。“十五”前3年,泰兴经济取得了长足的发 According to the 16th CPC National Congress put forward by 2020, China’s goal of building a well-off society in an all-round manner, Jiangsu Taixing municipal party committee and municipal government put forward the basic built-off well-off society in 2000 on the basis of GDP per capita by 2010 more than 3,000 US dollars To build a well-off society in an all-round way and to become one of the first county-level cities in China to take the lead in realizing modernization by 2020. In the first three years of the Tenth Five-Year Plan, the economy of Taixing has made great strides
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The trade volume of China’s machine tool and toll importand export in the period of January to November 2000 totaledUS $3. 147 billion with the general trend
In this paper, we design and fabricate a silicon integrated optical filter consisting of two cascaded micro-ring resonators and two straight waveguides. Two mic
11月9日至13日在多哈举行的第四届WTO部长级会议,是中国“入世”的正式仪式,而11月11日这一天也将是一个值得纪念的日子。 9月17日,世贸组织中国工作组第18次会议顺利通过了