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一位哲人这样说过:“世界上最宽广的是海洋,比海洋宽广的是天空,比天空更宽广的是人的胸怀。”一个人要成就一番事业,就要有宽广无私的胸怀。——题记一1997年9月,年仅35岁的孙选,调任八十二团党委书记、政治委员,此前,他曾听说过有关八十二团穷的传闻,上任后他才发现,团场的处境比他想像的更糟。这里每年从阿拉山口刮来160天6级以上的大风,其中8级以上的大风达36天。风大加上草大、盐碱大、地下水位高,“三大一高”的恶劣自然条件,严重制约了团场经济的发展。经过历届团领导和全团广大干部、工人的艰苦奋斗,团场的经济虽有所发展,但贫困面貌没有根本改观。这个耕地面积不到3万亩、总人口六千多人的小型农场,累计亏损已达582.4万元,是兵团重点扶贫团场之一。孙选深知,师党委调自己到八十二团来工作,既是 A philosopher said: “The broadest in the world is the sea, broader than the sky is the sky, broader than the sky is the mind.” “To accomplish something, one should have a broad and selfless mind. - Inscription 1 In September 1997, the 35-year-old Sun Xuan was transferred to the eighty-two regiment party committee secretary and political commissar. He had heard of the rumor about the eighty-two regiment that he found out after he took office, The market situation worse than he imagined. Here every year from the Alashankou Shaved 160 days more than 6 gale, of which more than 8 gale reaches 36 days. Wind plus large grass, saline-alkali, groundwater level is high, ”three big one high " bad natural conditions, seriously hampered the development of community economy. Through the arduous struggle of the leaders of all the regimental groups and the cadres and workers of the entire regiment, despite the development of the economy of the regiment, the poverty outlook has not fundamentally changed. The small farm with a cultivated area of ​​less than 30,000 mu and a total population of over 6,000 has a total loss of 5.824 million yuan, making it one of the Corps key poverty alleviation groups. Sun Xuan is well aware that the division has commissioned himself to work in the 82-odd regiment, which is both true and false
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