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(二)邀请函(LETTER OF INVITATION)在公司间交往的活动中,邀请是相当频繁的,例如:周年庆典,开业,就职典礼等等,一封正式的邀请信就是必须的了。这是秘书作为上司的代笔者的又一份内之事。下面是一封以书信形式发出的周年纪念宴会邀请(Invitation to an anniversary party)。Dear Mr LeeWe are pleased to extend our cordial invitation to you to attend our twentieth anniversary party of thefounding of our company.The party will be held at 6pro on Sunday,July 8 at the Palace Hotel.You have been our great supporter for these twenty years and we would be very much honoured if you.could attend it.We hope that this invitation from our company will be acceptable to you and we anticipate your replyin the affirmative. (2) Letters of Invitation (LETTER OF INVITATION) In the activities of company-to-company exchanges, invitations are quite frequent. For example, anniversary celebrations, opening of business, inauguration ceremony, etc., an official letter of invitation is a must. This is another internal matter for the secretary as the supervisor of the boss. The following is an invitation to an anniversary party sent as a letter. Dear Mr LeeWe are pleased to extend our cordial invitation to you to attend our twentieth anniversary party of thefounding of our company.The party will be held at 6pro on Sunday,July 8 at the Palace Hotel.You have been our great supporter for these twenty Years and we would be very much honoured if you.could attend it.We hope that this invitation from our company will be acceptable to you and we anticipate your replyin the affirmative.
摘 要: 学习动机是驱动学生学习活动的动力所在。然而,在非英语专业大学生中,特别是高职院校的非英专业学生中,英语学习“动机缺失”现象普遍存在。本文在Dornyei的动机三层次理论的基础上,探讨高职非英语专业学生的英语学习“动机缺失”现象,并针对该现象提出激发学生学习动机的策略。  关键词: 非英语专业 英语学习 动机缺失 动机三层次理论  一、引言  古往今来,众多二语习得的研究都表明,学习者的学
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此文选自《红字》第二章The Market Place。标题系选注者自加。The door of the jail being flung open from within ,there appeared,in the first place,like a black shad