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所有关注青岛啤酒的人都会注意到一个细节,刚刚走完一个充满艰辛和光荣百年的青岛啤酒已经悄悄改变了包装,一个面向新世纪的青岛啤酒向世人昭示了它的无限生命力,小小变化的背后着实反映了青啤这个具有百年品牌产品可持续发展的信心和豪气。当然,一般消费者仅从一种包装变化上还无法判断青啤新百年的走向以及它该如何延续辉煌,但随着青啤当家人金志国从“两会”归来与记者的一席谈,就不难看出这个中国啤酒业“领头羊”立志下一个百年的底气。站得更高才能看得更远招商周刊:作为企业界的优秀代表,您有幸参加了本次全国人代会,用您的话讲,本次人代会上最受鼓舞的是新发展观被确立为中国今后发展的指导思想。金志国:从十一届三中全会以后,中国进入了一个高速发展的阶段,提出了发展是硬道理这样的观点。当时国家的综合实力比较弱,国家相对还比较贫穷,所以想急需改善和改变这样一个低水平的经济运行状态,追求高速度发展。因为当时基数也比较低,所以实现发展的高速度比较容易,这几年来一直是保持连续增长的态势,我们预计未来还将保持一个相对高的发展速度。 All those who are concerned about Tsingtao Brewery will pay attention to the details. Tsingtao Brewery has just quietly changed its packaging after a century of hardships and glory. A Tsingtao Brewery facing the new century has shown its infinite vitality to the world. The back really reflects the Tsingtao beer with a hundred years of brand-name products of sustainable development confidence and pride. Of course, the general consumer can not judge the trend of the new century of Tsingtao Beer from the changes of only one kind of packaging and how it should continue to be brilliant, but as Tsingtao Brewery’s family member Jin Zhiguo returned from the “two sessions” and spoke with reporters It is not difficult to see that this Chinese beer industry “leader” determined next centennial confidence. Stand higher to see farther China Merchants Weekly: As the outstanding representatives of the business community, you are fortunate enough to participate in this National People’s Congress, in your words, the most encouraging people’s Congress is the new concept of development was Established as the guiding ideology of China’s future development. Jin Zhiguo: Since the Third Plenary Session of the 11th Central Government, China has entered a stage of rapid development and put forward the view that development is the last word. At that time, the comprehensive strength of the country was relatively weak and the country was still relatively poor. Therefore, it is urgent to improve and change such a low-level economic operation and pursue high-speed development. Since the base was relatively low at the time, it was relatively easy to achieve the high speed of development. In recent years, it has been maintaining a continuous growth trend. We expect that it will maintain a relatively high pace of development in the future.
中国在成为世界工厂的同时,那些依靠OEM订单的加工厂也面临更多陷阱,其中之一就是被投机者利用,成为实质上的造假工具。 While becoming a factory in the world, China als
产”””, 当我很小的时 节灵,就跳现任日免上 1:巧日以后,自己 的影寻就合跳生 改妾—它合在 成丹供一个我不 认幻的人的影寻。 因为很小的 时嘱就泣膨,所 以我沿与觉得泣
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杭州左岸营销咨询公司高级咨询只有把脉家电业律动的趋势,才能够未雨绸缪。我们梳理并大胆预测了2004年中国家电业即将出现的八大变化,让我们一起检验。 2002年长虹董事长倪