土豆切丝卖 好项目赚钱快

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编辑同志:你们好!我叫高春江,家住浙江省瑞安市农村。我天生就是一个不服输、不安于现状的人,多年来一直在寻找机会改变自己,近年来周围人的迅猛发展更让我坐立不安。我每年都要从微薄的收入中挤出一点钱订阅《成功》和其它几种报刊杂志。正因为有着强烈的进取意识和求富欲望,才使我在经历了很多的风风雨雨后,品尝到苦尽甘来的那份成功和喜悦。从1993年始,我先后搞过猪小肠提取肝素钠、人工合成汽油、鸡蛋提取溶菌酶、生料酿酒等诸多项目,这些所谓的致富项目不仅赔光了我家的全部积蓄,还欠了一屁股外债。在2006年第5期《成功》上,《土豆切丝机卖小项目蕴藏大市场》这篇文章深深吸引了我,连看几遍都觉得不过瘾,真没想到小小土豆切成丝出售会蕴藏如此巨大的商机。土豆又名马铃薯和洋芋,是我们日常生活中再熟悉不过的东西了,由于保质期长耐贮存,一年四季都有销售,喜欢吃的人很多,市场上销量很大。土豆切丝既费工又麻烦,搞不好还会弄得手破血流,对 Editorial comrades: Hello! My name is Gao Chunjiang, who lives in rural Ruian, Zhejiang Province. I am a natural person who is unwilling to admit defeat and is uneasy about the status quo. Over the years I have been looking for opportunities to change myself. In recent years, the rapid development of people around me has made me restless. Every year, I have to squeeze out a little money from meager income to subscribe to Success and several other newspapers and magazines. It is because of my strong sense of enterprising and desire for wealth that I have experienced so many ups and downs and tasted the success and joy of suffering. Since 1993, I have worked on pig intestines extracting heparin sodium, synthetic gasoline, egg extraction lysozyme, raw materials and wine, and many other items. These so-called rich projects not only lost money on my family’s savings, but also owed a butt of foreign debt. . In the 5th issue of “Success” in 2006, the article “Potato Shredder Selling Small Items with a Big Market” deeply attracted me. Even after watching it for several times, I felt unsatisfied. I really didn’t expect a small potato to be cut into silk. The sale will contain such a huge business opportunity. The potato, also known as potato and potato, is a familiar item in our daily life. Due to its long shelf life and shelf life, it sells all year round. There are many people who like to eat it, and there are a lot of sales on the market. The potato shreds are both laborious and troublesome.
1. What is beautiful is good, and who is good will soon also be beautiful.-Sappho 美丽的东西当然是好的,品行好的人必将是美丽的。——萨福2. Prosperity is not wit
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