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金属矿产资源勘探工作的改革,是正确处理勘探和开采的衔接关系、更加多快好省地开发矿业的重要问题之一.在有的地方,这也是能不能誉出更多的地质力量来加强普查找矿、为冶金工业的大发展提供坚实的物质基础的问题.许多同志都在注意这个问题,是理所当然的.大跃进以来,特别是无产阶级文化大革命、批林批孔和无产阶级专政理论问题的学习运动开展以来,地质勘探、矿山设计和开采部门的广大职工,根据毛主席关于“不破不立、不塞不流、不止不行”的教导,突破旧程序、建立新程序,在勘探和开采的结合上创造了不少好经验.但是,新生事物的成长和推广并不是一帆风顺的,在前进的道路上始终充满着新与旧、正确与错误的斗争.同时,革命的新生事物在开始时总是不完善的,必然还存在着这样那样一些问题需要我们去解决.这就是说,讨论和争鸣是必要的.我们热烈欢迎各个矿山、基建、设计、勘探部门的工人、干部、技术人员、工人理论队伍、工农兵学员、教学和科研工作者,以“三结合”的方式或以个人名义参加争鸣.在争鸣中,我们要坚持摆事实、讲道理的原则,要允许发表认识上的不同意见.在认识问题上,允许有错误,也允许改正错误.通过讨论,应当做到“既要弄清思想又要团结同志”.我们相信,在马克思主义、列宁主义、毛泽东思想的指引下,在各级党委的正确领导下,讨论勘探方法的理论和实践问题,进一步巩固和发展无产阶级文化大革命的胜利成果,支持新生事物,总结历史经验和我们自己的实践经验,一定能够使正确的东西不断克服错误的东西,让一大批“小人物”和“卑贱者”在批判修正主义、批判资产阶级中成长壮大,促进资源勘探工作沿着毛主席的革命路线更加蓬勃发展,为巩固和加强无产阶级专政做出更大的贡献. The reform of the exploration of metal mineral resources is one of the most important issues for correctly handling the cohesive relationship between exploration and exploitation and for more rapid and economical development of mining. In some places, it is also capable of honoring more geological forces to strengthen Census prospecting for the development of the metallurgical industry to provide a solid material basis for the issue of many comrades are paying attention to this issue, it is only for granted that since the Great Leap Forward, especially the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, criticizing the proletariat and proletarian dictatorship theory Since the beginning of the study movement of the problem, the vast numbers of staff and workers in the departments of geological exploration, mine design and mining have made breakthroughs in old procedures and new procedures based on Chairman Mao’s teachings that “no breaking, no blocking, no stopping” However, the growth and promotion of new things are not always easy, and they are always full of new and old, right and wrong struggles along the road of progress. At the same time, new things in revolution are beginning Always imperfect, there must be some such problems that we need to solve, that is to say, discussion and contention is necessary. We warmly welcome the workers, cadres, technicians, workers’ theoretical ranks, workers, peasants and soldiers, teaching and research workers in all the mining, infrastructure, design and exploration departments to participate in the contention in the name of “three combinations” or in their own name. In the midst of controversy, we must uphold the principle of giving truth to reason and allow the publication of dissenting opinions on the issue of cognition, admitting mistakes and allowing errors to be corrected. We must believe that under the guidance of Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought, under the correct leadership of party committees at all levels, we should discuss the theoretical and practical problems of exploration methods and further consolidate and develop the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution The triumph of the triumph in support of new life and the summing up of historical experience and our own practical experience will surely enable the correct things to constantly overcome the wrong things and allow a large number of “minor” and “humble” critics of revisionism, Criticize the growth and expansion of the bourgeoisie and promote the exploration of resources in a more vigorous development along Chairman Mao’s revolutionary line, in order to consolidate and strengthen the dictatorship of the proletariat Greater contributions.
一、有关情况 1.干燥概况宝山铜矿选厂,原矿经一段磨矿磨至-200目占70%后进行浮选,得铜、钼、铋、白钨及硫等五种精矿。钼、铋、白钨精矿均需干燥。由于投产不久,现仅钼精矿
一、旧矿车在结构上存在的问题我国煤矿生产战线上正在使用的矿车大约有100万辆左右,承担着煤矿的主要运输任务。其中85%以上是MGC1.1-6型1 t铁矿车,这种矿车在结构和性能上