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预备铃响了,我情绪饱满地向教室走去。上课了,师生问好后,我忽然发现讲台上躺着一位“客人”——一把四分五裂的教学用三角尺。再一看同学,似乎啥事也没发生,正等待着我的开讲。我沉吟了一小会,转身在黑板中间一笔一划地写上“追悼会”三个大字;又沉默了一会,低沉地说:“同学们,我们的一位伙伴,今天不幸与世长辞了。本节语文课,我们借用一点时间,为它举行个简短的追悼会,以寄托我们的哀思。”同学 The preparation bell rang, and I went to the classroom full of emotions. In class, when the teachers and students say hello, I suddenly find that there is a “guest” lying on the podium – a broken teaching scale. Looking at the classmates again, it seems that nothing happened and is waiting for my opening. I indulged for a little while, and turned to write the three characters of “The memorial service” one by one in the middle of the blackboard. I was silent for a moment and said lowly: “Classmates, one of our partners, unfortunately died today. In this section of the language class, we borrow a little time to hold a brief memorial meeting for it to hold our grief.
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