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为解决我省小麦白粉病、赤霉病、叶锈病、叶枯病混合危害的严重问题,研制成功了2种复配兼治新农药:36%粉霉灵悬浮剂和30%增效粉锈宁悬浮剂。毒力测定表明,2种新农药配方都有明显的增效作用;在小样加工工艺成熟的基础上,完成了中试工艺研究;建立了快速准确的分析方法和产品标准,15t2种新农药的试产品,各项理化指标均达到或超过国家标准,质量优异、稳定,证明配方合理,生产工艺成熟,达到工业化生产水平;克服了“粉锈宁”易结晶析出的难题,把“多菌灵”和“粉锈宁”复配加工成稳定的悬浮剂以及增效粉锈宁用纸浆废液加工,国内均未见报道;通过田间药效试验,明确了2种新农药的使用效果和技术。小区试验结果表明:(1)粉霉灵750g/hm2对小麦白粉病、赤霉病、叶锈病、叶枯病都有特效,防治1次的综合平均防效达87.9%;(2)粉霉灵悬浮剂与相同有效成份复配加工的可湿性粉剂产品(麦病宁、纹霉净、防霉宝)相比,药效提高1倍左右;大田示范结果表明:粉霉灵600g/hm2,防治赤霉病、白粉病的平均效果分别为82%和96%,比多菌灵750g/hm2+粉锈宁120g/hm2的平均效果(分别为71.9%和94%)提高10.1%和2%,增产率提高3%;? In order to solve the serious problem of wheat powdery mildew, scab, leaf blight and leaf blight in our province, two kinds of new pesticides were formulated and controlled: 36% powdery mildew and 30% . Toxicity tests showed that the two new pesticide formulations have obvious synergies; on the basis of the sample processing technology maturity, completed the pilot test; established a rapid and accurate analytical methods and product standards, 15t2 kinds of new pesticides The test products and various physical and chemical indicators meet or exceed the national standards, with excellent quality and stability, proving that the formulation is reasonable, the production process is mature, and the industrialized production level is reached. The problem of easy crystallization of “Triadimefon” has been overcome, and “carbendazim” and “Triadimefon” complex processing into a stable suspension and synergistic triadimefon pulp waste processing, no domestic reports; through the field efficacy test, the use of two new pesticides and technologies. The plot test results showed that: (1) powdery mildew 750g / hm2 had special effects on wheat powdery mildew, scab, leaf rust and leaf blight, and the integrated control effect reached 87.9% once; (2) Powdery mildew spirit and the same active ingredient compound processing wettable powder products (wheat sickleaf, mildew net, mildew Treasure) compared to improve efficacy about 1 times; field demonstration results show that: powder mildew 600g / hm2, the control effect of Fusarium head blight and powdery mildew were 82% and 96%, respectively, which was 10.1% higher than that of the carbendazim 750g / hm2 + triadimefon 120g / hm2 (71.9% and 94% respectively) And 2%, increase yield by 3% ;?
50年代,歌唱家郭颂的一曲《乌苏里船歌》唱遍了大江南北,把静静流清了数千年的乌苏里江推到了世人面前。 几十年过去,这条地处祖国东北边陲的大江怎样了,在绿满枝头的季节,
Chinese medicine (CM) has been widely used in Hong Kong for centuries. In fact, CM practitioners currently provide over 20% of the medical consultations in Hong