Modeling Nitrogen Mineralization in Paddy Soils of Shanghai Region

来源 :Pedosphere | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:daney_he
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Six paddy soils of Shanghai, China, were studied after 120 days of anaerobic incubation at 25 ℃ and 35 ℃. Four models, the effective accumulated temperature model, the one-component first-order exponential model (the one-pool model), the two-component first-order exponential model (the two-pool model), and the two-component first-order plus zero-order exponential model including a constant term (the special model), were fitted to the data of observed mineral-N during incubation using non-linear regression procedures. The two-pool model and the special model gave the best fits amongst the four models, and parameters in the special model were more reasonable than those in the other three. Results showed that the special model gave a better prediction of nitrogen mineralization under flooded conditions than the other three models. Six paddy soils of Shanghai, China, were studied after 120 days of anaerobic incubation at 25 ° C. and 35 ° C. Four models, the effective accumulated temperature model, the one-component first-order exponential model (the one-pool model), the two-component first-order exponential model (the two-pool model), and the two-component first-order plus zero-order exponential model including a constant term (the special model), were fitted to the data of observed mineral- N during incubation using non-linear regression procedures. The two-pool model and the special model gave the best fits amongst the four models, and parameters in the special model were more reasonable than those in the other three. a better prediction of nitrogen mineralization under flooded conditions than the other three models.
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