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《语文课程标准》强调学生的习作:“能具体明确、文从字顺地表达自己的意思。”所谓具体就是做到:写人,使人读了能“如见其人”;写景,使人读了能“身临其境”;写事,使人读了能像电影一样真切。但我们在习作指导中,常发现有的孩子的习作刚开了个头,中间还没展开,就匆匆地结了尾,干瘪得就像失水的萝卜,晒干的雪菜。该怎么办?练“五觉”(肤觉、视觉、听觉、嗅觉、味觉),多联想。下面择其一二作说明:一、练肤觉,写感受“竹外桃花三两枝,春江水暖鸭先知。”“暖”就是一种肤觉,这里所说的肤觉主要指触觉、痛觉、冷温等感觉,是皮肤接触外 “Chinese Curriculum Standard” emphasizes student’s work: “can be specific and clear, the text from the word to express their meaning. ” The so-called concrete is to do: write, make people read ; Scenery, people read can “immersive ”; writing, people read as real as the movie. However, in the course of our study, we often find that some children’s work has just begun. Before the middle of the work, we havetily ended up with dried radishes and dried pickled vegetables. How to do? Training “five sense ” (skin feel, vision, hearing, smell, taste), more Lenovo. The following select one or two for explanation: First, the skin feel, write feelings “Bamboo out of peach thirty-two, spring plumbing duck prophet. ” “Warm ” is a skin feel, Refers to the sense of touch, pain, cold temperature and other feelings, is skin contact
一斤瓜子如果有1元钱利润,则农民应该得到1角钱,供应商应该拿到 1角,家乐福可以拿到8角钱。但目前的现状是,家乐福要拿到1.2元。 If you have a pound of melon seeds a prof
Growth factors and their corresponding receptors are commonly overexpressed and/or dysregulated in many cancers including hepatocellular cancer (HCC). Clinical
要从课堂的切入点、教学目标具体可测、学生学习的动机和课堂的动态生成、学生的个体差异等几个方面来提高初中信息技术课堂教学的有效性。 It is necessary to improve the
本文通过分析高考大纲对高中英语写作的要求及学生英语书面表达存在的问题,对如何提高高中英语写作教学提出建议和方法。 Based on the analysis of the college entrance e