“兵马未动,粮草先行”。随着美国在世界各地军事行动的日益增加,美国大兵也在希望有一天野战口粮能吃出“肯德基”、“麦当劳”的滋味来。别说,这还真是美国这一领域的发展方向之一。从美国在阿富汗的行动和这次伊拉克战争来看,一些轻便、能量更高的便携食品已陆续装备特种兵,口感越来越好。且让我们一一看来。单兵快餐口粮(MRE) 美军标准的野外食品,一份包装由主菜、甜
“Soldiers did not move, forage first”. As the U.S. military operations in various parts of the world increase day by day, the U.S. soldiers are also hoping that one day they will eat “KFC” and “McDonald’s.” Not to mention, this is really one of the directions for the development of the United States in this area. Judging from U.S. actions in Afghanistan and this Iraq war, portable and energy portable food items have been gradually equipped with special forces and the taste is getting better and better. And let us one by one look. Soldier Food Rations (MRE) The US military’s standard out-of-home foods, a wrapper consists of a main course, sweet