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1958年1月9日,中国出台《中华人民共和国户籍管理条例》,从此,中国居民城乡之间、大小城市之间的流动受到严格限制,这种限制在十年动乱期间又得到了进一步的加强。1977年,《国务院批转公安部关于处理户口迁移规定》的通知,该通知限制户口从农村向城市,小城市向大城市,大城市向特大城市迁移,提倡反向迁移。在中国,户籍制度是一道不可逾越的鸿沟,一个人一出生就基本决定了他是“城里人”还是“乡下人”,除非转干、招工或者升学,否则,乡下人永远是乡下人。而这种二元分割结构将中国人分隔在物质文化悬殊的两个“世界”。不同世界的人,便有不同的身份,不同的地位,不同的命运。小小的户口簿,主宰着多少人的命运与 On January 9, 1958, China promulgated the “Regulation of the People’s Republic of China on Household Registration Management.” Since then, the flow of traffic between urban and rural residents in China has been severely restricted, and the restrictions have been further strengthened during the ten-year turmoil . In 1977, the State Council approved the Ministry of Public Security’s handling of the regulation on the relocation of household registration. This circular restricts the transfer of registered permanent residences from rural areas to cities and small cities to mega-cities and big cities, and promotes the reverse migration. In China, the household registration system is an insurmountable gap. Once a person is born, he basically determines whether he is a “city man” or a “country man.” Unless he turns to work, recruits a student or enters a school, the country man will always be a countryman. This dichotomous structure separates the Chinese from the two “worlds” whose material and cultural differences are great. People of different worlds have different identities, different positions and different destinies. Small booklet, dominate the fate of many people
主持人: 一职工父母,1962年以企业职工的身份响应党的精简号召下乡务农,其间于1969年生下了这一职工。这一职工于1984年在乡初中毕业后务农,1986年返城。他询问1984—1986年
在分析质子与硅反应的基础上 ,建立了质子单粒子翻转截面理论计算模型 ,提出了模拟计算方法。计算得到了不同能量的高能质子与硅反应产生的次级粒子种类、截面、能谱和双微分
主持人: 我单位一女职工,配偶原在附近一中学任教,2001年考取到一大学为研究生。该女职工能否享受探亲假,有两种情况:一是按国发[1981]36号文规定,远距离夫妻分居两地,不能
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Life whispers in your soul and speaks to your heart. Sometimes, when you don’t have the time to listen ... Life throws a brick at your head. It’s your choice:
日前,国土资源部在北京召开新闻发布会,通报了11起由省、自治区、直辖市国土资源行政主管部门查处的土地违法案件。 据介绍,这11起群众反映强烈的土地违法案件,严重违反了《