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胖胖和芳芳两个“小捣蛋”老是闯祸,奶奶为此伤透了脑筋。一次他俩听同学讲,灯泡里灌满水可以当放大镜,能照出太阳的各种色彩,于是拿家里的灯泡做试验;结果弄得脸上、手上都是血。这以后,奶奶下决心盯着他俩,不让他们再出事。每天,奶奶总是提前烧好饭,孩子放学回来就寸步不离地 Fat and Fangfang two “trick or treat” is always in trouble, my grandmother hurt this brains. Once they listened to their classmates, the bulb filled with water could be used as a magnifying glass to illuminate the various colors of the sun, and then tested the bulb in the house. The result was a confused face and blood in the hand. After this, my grandmother determined to stare at them, let them not an accident. Every day, my grandmother always cooks a good meal in advance, and the children come back after school
报告23例腹型癫痫,并略加讨论了本病的脑电图改变、发病机理、诊断和治疗。 Report 23 cases of abdominal epilepsy, and slightly discussed the EEG changes in this dis
Analytical expressions for nucleate pool boiling heat transfer of nanofluid in the critical heat flux (CHF) region are derived taking into account the effect of
文章详细分析了坡改梯工程建设工作程序,并对进一步做好此项工作提出建议。 The paper analyzes in detail the working procedure of the construction of slope to ladder
从家庭教育的角度来讲,给孩子做智力测验有没有必要? From a family education point of view, is it necessary to give a child an intelligence test?
我院内科自1990年3月~1995年3月收治了自发性气胸69例,现分析如下。1 临床资料本组女19例,男50例,年龄17~80岁,
闭锁综合征(Lock-in syndrome)又称“桥脑腹侧综合征”或“假性昏迷”或“去传出状态(Deefferented state)”等。系由于桥脑腹侧严重病损,临床上表现为缄默、四肢瘫痪而意识