eIF3 p170与肺癌化疗相关性研究及对肺癌细胞药物敏感性的影响

来源 :中国临床药理学与治疗学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:trung
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AIM: To evaluate the expression of eukaryotic initiation factors 3(eIF3) subunit 170 (eIF3 P170) in lung cancer tissues and its association with chemotherapy response of lung cancer. METHODS: 31 paraffin imbedded slices of lung cancer tissue from fiberscope diagnosis, 20 samples of benign lung tissues from inflammatory pseudotumor and bronchiectasis, and 10 samples of normal lung tissues from surgical operation were collected. The protein expression of eIF3 p170 in lung-cancer tissues, benign lesion tissues, and normal lung tissues were determined by immunohistochemical staining. RESULTS: The positive ratio of eIF3 p170 expression in lung cancer tissues is higher than those in normal and benign tissues, the lung cancer patients with a higher expression level of eIF3 p170 seems to be more sensitive to chemotherapy. Here, we also found that down-regulation of expression of eIF3 p170 could inhibit the growth of human lung adeno-carcinoma cell A549 cells and decrease the sensitivity of A549 to cisplatin. CONCLUSION: Our data suggest that eIF3 p170 may be involved in the pathogenesis of lung cancer and it appears to be associated with chemotherapy response of lung cancer. AIM: To evaluate the expression of eukaryotic initiation factors 3 (eIF3) subunit 170 (eIF3 P170) in lung cancer tissues and its association with chemotherapy response of lung cancer. METHODS: 31 paraffin imbedded slices of lung cancer tissue from fiberscope diagnosis, 20 samples of benign lung tissues from inflammatory pseudotumor and bronchiectasis, and 10 samples of normal lung tissues from surgical operation were collected. The protein expression of eIF3 pl70 in lung-cancer tissues, benign lesion tissues, and normal lung tissues were determined by immunohistochemical staining. : The positive ratio of eIF3 p170 expression in lung cancer tissues is higher than those in normal and benign tissues, the lung cancer patients with a higher expression level of eIF3 p170 seems to be more sensitive to chemotherapy. Here, we also found that down- regulation of expression of eIF3 p170 could inhibit the growth of human lung adeno-carcinoma cell A549 cells and decrease the sensitivity of A54 9 to cisplatin. CONCLUSION: Our data suggest that eIF3 p170 may be involved in the pathogenesis of lung cancer and it appears to be associated with chemotherapy response of lung cancer.
天车工“十不吊”的规定是从长期实践中总结出来的,千万违反不得,否则要出事故。 比如,“钢丝绳不合格不吊”。有人却不看钢丝绳好坏拿来就吊,甚至用铁丝代替钢丝绳吊活,十之
因为牵挂的人最近在伦敦,忍不住想说,要不帮我带一本原版《月亮与六便士》吧,最好是那种二手小书店里淘来的,带着点陈旧的气味。  于是想到很久前看过的一本小书《查令十字街84号》,里面有家“马克思与科恩书店”。书店已不复存在,但书却很有意思,抛开故事本身,倒觉得大家的读后感来得更温暖人心,这种反哺真是很罕见。本来,除了米其林餐厅,伦敦对我唯一的吸引力就是查令十字街和贝克街221号B座了。  译者在序中
英国激光及其应用会议于1964年9月15日—17日在伦敦 Savoy Place 电机工程师学会举行。会议是由英国电机工程师学会主办的。参加的国家有中国、英国、澳大利亚、加拿大、捷