Cultural Differences And Translation

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  1.The definition of culture
  No matter in China or in foreign countries, the definition of culture is a broad one. “culture” was later expanded to indicate “a general process of intellectual, spiritual and aesthetic development”.
  2.Cultural differences
  2.1 Historical culture differences
  Every nation has its own historical origin and development, so historical culture has plentiful content. we can analyze these sentences and make their meanings close to the original if we know the historical background.
  2.2 Geographical culture differences
  Geographical culture plays an important part in translation. In western countries, they have convenient sea transportation. So they develop their own culture about maritime navigation. When the English meet each other, they often say “It’s a fine day, isn’t it?” but when we meet our friends we often ask “Have you eaten your breakfast or lunch?” We like east wind, for it can make all living things come back to life. On the contrary, in England, they do not like east wind, they like west wind, because west wind can bring them warm weather and rainwater.
  2.3 Religious differences
  The Christian, the Islam and the Buddhism are the three religions which we believe. Westerns believe in Christian mostly, thinking the world is created by God, so they often say “My lord/ My Christ” when they feel surprise. While we have Chinese words such as “yudi, guanyin” and so on.
  2.4 Values differences
  In western countries, they emphasize “individualism”, but we tend to value “collectivism”. It is the basic difference between the East and the West. In traditional culture, bat is a symbol of happiness, because it is a homophony of “福”. In the legends of western countries, bat is an ugly and evil animal; they often take it as evil power, and especially the vampire bats make them feel terrible.
  2.5 Custom and etiquettes differences
  Custom differences have many aspects. Greeting is the first step to form communication. Now just let us see how we Chinese greet each other. If we meet a friend in the street, we are used to say: Where are you going? They often shake hands when it is the case of two gentlemen. However, in the Western countries, questions and greeting are two things. If you ask about their meals they will think that you are inviting them to dinner. They often just give each other a smile or greet with a “hi”.
  3.Cultural differences and translation   3.1 The relationship between cultural differences and translation
  First of all, translation definitely involves culture, translation promotes cultural fusion and cultural development, compared with the cross-cultural communication in the past, today’s cross-cultural communication is more complicated. We have more chance to contact with foreigners, do business with them, so in order to communicate with them well, we should have a full understanding of the meanings of some important concepts. All these let students know that each culture is unique.
  3.2 Translation strategies: Domestication or Foreignization
  The conflict between domestication and foreignization as opposite translation strategies can be regarded as the extension of the time-worn controversy over liberal translation and literal translation. The foregoing discussion have displayed the significance of cultural differences. However, the most difficult thing in translating confronting translators is how to deal with cultural differences reflected in languages. Generally speaking, there are two strategies for translators to resort to when they confront cultural difficulties: namely domestication and foreignization.
  The history of translation is as longstanding as language; since the language appears, we know translation. The differences between the languages add to the cultural differences. Translation is the activity to conquer this difficulty. Culture differences have an important influence in translation.Language and culture relate with each other closely; the differences between cultures can reflect the language.Different languages have their own characteristics and forms. Different languages, then, may use different linguistic forms. But these forms are only one of the aspects of the differences between the two language systems.
苏霍姆林斯基说:教师越是能够运用自如地掌握教材,那么他的讲述越是情感鲜明,学生听课花在抠教科书上的时间就越少。新课程改革环境下,语文教师的备课不能旧守传统的备课模式,也不再是教材内容、教学方法的简单的展示。我们永远是用昨天的知识,面对今天的学生,培养明天的人才。怎样才能更好地完成历史赋予教师的任务呢?首先应该解决的问题是这两个字:备课。如何做到有效备课,我认为可以从以下几点考虑:  一、仔细研读教
英语教学的主要任务是对学生进行听、说、写各项技能的培养,而阅读教学作为其中重要的一环,有着使学生理解和吸收书面信息、扩大词汇量、丰富语言知识、开拓眼界的重要功能。在追求有效、有序、有趣的英语教学的今天,通过读、想、说、写等活动的设计和实施,激发学生阅读兴趣,引导学生构建知识、发展技能、拓展视野、活跃思维,提升阅读品味,实现学生语言素养的全面提高。  一、智读  1.讲方式  英语教材中的文本是学生
随着课改的推进。课堂教学中要“以学生为本”的基本教学理念已深入人心,伴随着这种理念的落实,我们有了“探究性学习”“小组合作学习”“兵带兵学习”等不同方式的学习模式与方法,要把这些模式与方法落实在每节课中,实现高效课堂,最重要的还是对课堂细节的关注,正如我国古代著名的哲学家、思想家和道家学派创始人老子所说“天下难事,必做于易;天下大事,必做于细”。  一、关注细节,激发兴趣,调动学习积极性  “兴趣
摘要:教学质量管理体系包括教学质量制度保障体系、教学资源保障体系、教学质量评价指标体系、教学质量督导体系等,基于开放大学分校的教学质量管理体系的构建,要坚持全面管理理论,在省级开放大学的督导下,在实施中通过对发现的问题不断改进,不断完善,以达到教学质量目标。  关键词:分校;教学质量;管理体系;构建研究  随着高校的不断扩招,开放大学远程教育生源的质量在逐年下降,省级开放大学在转型,各级开放大学分
识字是小学低年级的教学重点,是学生提高阅读能力的基础。《小学语文课程标准》中明确提出:小学阶段,学生要认识3500个汉字,在1—2年级,则要求认识常用汉字1600—1800个汉字,让学生喜欢学习汉字,有主动识字的愿望。这就要求我们在语文教学中采用多样的教学方法,交给学生多样的识字方法,带给学生学习语文的乐趣。在教学中,我是这样做的:  一、激发兴趣,在情境中识字  兴趣是最好的老师。课堂是识字的主
《数学课程标准》也指出:有效的教学活动是学生学与教师教的统一,学生是学习的主体,教师是学习的组织者、引导者与合作者。要使学生在课堂上真正有所收获,教师就必须关注学生学习的起点疑点和错点。一切以生为本,才能让数学课堂焕发更多的光彩。  创建以生为本的数学课堂,应该站在学生的角度思考问题。《数学课程标准》指出要从学生的“学”出发,关注学生学什么、怎么学、学得如何。教师教得好,不如学生学得好。教师教学的
《全日制义务教育数学课程标准(实验稿)》(以下简称《标准》) 中指出“学生是数学学习的主人”,“学生要主动地进行观察、试验、猜想、验证、推理与交流等教学活动”,强调学生学习数学的重要方式是“动手实践、自主探索、合作交流”,教學之余,反思自己的教学实践,得出一个结论:培养学生学会学习,促进学生学习方式的转变,应是新课程改革的关键要。要转变学生的数学学习方式,可以从培养学生“阅读”“质疑”“探究”“实