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人物报道、特别是闪光的人物典型历来是新闻宣传的重要手段。典型是时代的产物,一个时代有一个时代的典型。时代孕育了人物,提供了舞台;人物反映时代,推动时代车轮前进。新一轮的改革开放其深刻程度和重要意义关系到巩固和发展有中国特色的社会主义事业。时代的主人公具有强烈的改革开放意识,体现时代的特色和精神。我们的新闻宣传、人物典型宣传是否跟上了时代潮流?在宣传思想和观念上存在什么明显的差距呢?怎样使人物宣传,特别是经济人物宣传可信、可亲、可读,使人有所启示,通过人物了解改革开放的形势、方向、难点、问题,从而达到通过人物宣传,特别是经济人物、改革人物业绩、事迹的宣传对广大干部和群众进行改革教育,更好地发挥人物宣传的舆论导向作用呢?这是值得我们认真总结积累经验,在新闻实践中不断研究和探索的问题。 Character reports, especially the typical flash personality has always been an important means of public information. Typical is the product of the times, an era has a typical era. The times gave birth to characters and provided the stage; characters reflected the times and pushed forward the wheel of the times. The new round of reform and opening up has profound and important implications for the consolidation and development of the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics. The hero of the times has a strong sense of reform and opening up, reflecting the characteristics and spirit of the times. What is the obvious gap between the propaganda ideas and concepts in our news propaganda and the typical publicity of characters? How to make the publicity of characters, especially the promotion of economic figures credible, amiable and readable, Inspired by the characters to understand the situation, direction, difficulties and problems of reform and opening up, so as to achieve the goal of reforming and educating the broad masses of cadres and the masses through publicity of figures, especially economic figures, and reform of human performance and deeds, so as to give better play to people’s propaganda The role of media-oriented? This is worth our serious sum up accumulated experience in the practice of journalism continue to study and explore the issue.