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市场分为现实市场和潜在市场,只要抓住潜在市场积极开拓,不断寻找新的生产领域,就能在市场经济的大潮中使企业立于不败之地。然而如何开拓潜在市场呢?一.纵横联系找市场:在日益加剧的市场竞争中,某种产品甚至某种行业的畅销产品势必会带动它们的原材料产品及其相关产品(服务产品)、产业的发展,因此,我们要注重考察现实市场上畅销产品的原材料产品及服务产品的供销情况,在用户潜在需求中去开拓新的市场,在还没有引起其他企业注意的市场空白处大做文章。当年美国兴起淘金热时,一介贫穷的农夫亚默尔也随大批淘金者来到位于荒山野谷的金矿。那里气候炎热,饮用水奇缺。亚默尔权衡利弊,断然弃金找水,做起饮用水的生意来了。没多久,亚默尔就成了美国屈指可数的大富豪。亚默尔的成功,关键在于他找到了淘金与卖水 The market is divided into a real market and a potential market. As long as the potential market is actively exploited and new production areas are constantly sought, the company can be invincible in the tide of the market economy. However, how to open up potential markets? 1. Vertically and horizontally looking for markets: In the ever-increasing market competition, the best-selling products of certain products or even certain industries are bound to drive their raw material products and related products (service products) and industries. Development, therefore, we must pay attention to examining the supply and marketing situation of the raw material products and service products of the best-selling products in the actual market, developing new markets in the potential needs of users, and making a fuss about market gaps that have not attracted the attention of other companies. When the United States raised the gold rush, a poor farmer, Yamer, followed a large number of gold diggers to the gold mines in the wild mountain valley. The weather there is hot and the drinking water is scarce. Yamer weighed the pros and cons and decided to abandon gold to find water and start drinking water business. Before long, Yamer became one of the few richest people in the United States. The key to Yamer’s success lies in his finding gold and selling water.
摘要: 本文介绍了英语教师如何在各种媒体中选取英语新闻并在不同的教学环节中把其应用于课堂教学的实践。这种创新的新闻教学有益于激发学生学习英语的兴趣,帮助他们拓宽视野,丰富词汇,增强运用现代化信息媒体的实践能力。文章最后提出了在英语新闻教学实践中遇到的问题与体会。  关键词: 大学英语 英语新闻 课堂教学    笔者在大学英语教学中发现,大学生在英语课堂上普遍表现出听课积极性不高,课堂参与性较差的特
怪异的短信语言是对语言的亵渎还是创新?是年轻一代堕落的标志吗?语言学家得出了与中学教师和语言保守主义者不同的结论。 Is the weird SMS language a blasphemy for lang
In Medieval England the tallest horses were ridden by people of the highest rank who, from their lofty1 position, looked down on their humble2 subjects3. From t