开拓创新 积极进取 建功立业——吴忠市总工会2009年工作成绩显著

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今年以来,吴忠市总工会按照“组织起来,切实维权”的工作方针和“抓常规、夯基础,抓重点、求突破,抓特色、树品牌,抓创新、上水平”的总体要求,紧紧围绕市委“保增长、保民生、保稳定”的目标任务,以科学发展观为统领,以构建和谐劳动关系为主线,以健全完善维权帮扶机制为重点,以加强基层组织建设为抓手,开拓创新,积极进取,务实苦干,狠抓落实,各项重点工作取得了突破性进展。先后连续三年在全区工会工作考核中名列第一;荣获全国、自治区“四五”普法先进单位;全国职工帮扶工作先进单位;工会女职工工作先进单位;送温暖工程先进单位;新经济组织先进单位;“安康杯”竞赛优秀组织奖;全区“四五”普法教育先进单位;吴忠市级文明单位等多项荣誉称号。 Since the beginning of this year, Wuzhong City Federation of Trade Unions has been working in accordance with the principle of “organizing and effective protection of rights” and the overall principle of “grasping the routine, ramming the foundation, grasping the key points, seeking breakthroughs, grasping the characteristics, building the brand, grasping the innovation and improving the level” Requirements, closely around the municipal Party committee “to maintain growth, protect the livelihood of the people, ensure stability ” the goal and mission, with the scientific concept of development as the guide to the construction of harmonious labor relations as the main line, to improve and perfect the rights aiding mechanism as the key to strengthen the grassroots Organizational construction as a starting point, pioneering and innovative, proactive, pragmatic and hard work, pay close attention to implementation, the key work has made a breakthrough. It has won the first place in the labor union examination in the region for three years in a row. It has won the honorary titles of advanced units in the “45” and “popularization of law” in the whole country and autonomous region, the advanced unit of helping employees in the country, the advanced unit of women workers in the labor union, ; Advanced unit of new economic organization; “Ankang Cup” contest outstanding organization award; the region “45” advanced legal education; Wuzhong municipal civilized units and many other honorary titles.
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