目的评价某公司三聚氰胺尾气综合治理工程的职业病危害控制效果。方法依照GBZ/T 197-2007《建设项目职业病危害控制效果评价技术导则》,采用现场职业卫生学调查和工作场所职业病危害因素监测相结合的原则进行评价。结果该项目为职业病危害一般的建设项目;氨和噪声是该项目的主要职业病危害因素,部分检测结果超过卫生限值。结论该项目的机械化和自动化程度较高,应加强通风排毒和防噪设施,以有效地控制职业病危害的发生。
Objective To evaluate the control effect of occupational hazards in the comprehensive treatment project of melamine in a certain company. Methods According to the GBZ / T 197-2007 Technical Guidelines for Evaluation of Control Effects of Occupational Hazards in Construction Projects, the principles of on-site occupational hygiene investigation and workplace occupational hazards monitoring were combined. Results The project is a general construction project with occupational hazards. Ammonia and noise are the major occupational hazards in the project. Some of the test results exceed the hygiene limit. Conclusion The project is highly mechanized and automated. Ventilation and detoxification facilities should be strengthened to effectively control occupational hazards.