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以胡锦涛同志为总书记的党中央,从全面建设小康社会、加快推进社会主义现代化事业的战略高度出发,在《中共中央国务院关于实施科技规划纲要增强自主创新能力的决定》和《中共中央关于构建社会主义和谐社会若干重大问题的决定》中明确提出把我国建设成为创新型国家的目标和任务。为充分发挥人民法院的审判职能作用,为建设创新型国家提供强有力的司法保障,现就全面加强人民法院知识产权审判工作,提出如下意见。 Starting from the strategic height of building an overall well-to-do society and accelerating the cause of socialist modernization, the CPC Central Committee and Central Committee with Comrade Hu Jintao as the general secretary set forth the strategic objectives of “making decisions on enhancing the capability of independent innovation by implementing the Outline of Science and Technology Planning by the State Council of the CPC Central Committee and the Decision of the CPC Central Committee on Building Socialist Harmonious Society, a number of major issues in the decision ”made it clear that China’s building an innovative country’s goals and tasks. In order to give full play to the people’s court’s judicial function and provide a strong judicial guarantee for the building of an innovative country, we hereby offer the following opinions on the comprehensive enhancement of the people’s court’s trial of intellectual property.
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年轻不懂事时,一直觉得我妈喜欢的和我喜欢的永远是一种冲突,我唯有逆着她。如今,阅尽生活甘苦,知道了我妈的千恩万好,再不敢有丝毫的违抗了。  世界上有一种喜欢,叫作我妈喜欢。但我妈喜欢我的方式我很不喜欢,好在,她太忙了,要侍弄十几亩地和十几头猪,她实在没工夫仔细地喜欢我。  我妈起早贪黑地忙,折腾地里圈里的活路,逢上赶集的那一天,把地里和树上那些蔬菜和果子,都搬到街上换钱去。她太忙了,忙得不关心发生
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没睡醒,很累,不想说话。去超市结账时,收银员问我有没有会员卡,我摇头。又问要不要袋子,我点头。然后,她竟然开始跟我打手语…… Did not wake up, tired, do not want to s
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慢慢地,这个家越来越融洽起来。我知道我和顾桐总有一天还会离开老妈,但那时我们已经卸下一切重负,可以安稳地重新开始我们的人生。  哥,你怎么这么没用?说这话的是我的亲妹妹顾桐,此刻她正坐在我对面,叼着一支细长的烟,用好看的眼睛冷冷地望着我。顾桐虽然和我是一个妈生的,但是我们从脸到性格没一处相像的地方,我们的妈、顾桐、甚至你在路边随便抓一个人都会这么说。其实我一直觉得,我和她还是有一点像的,那就是我们
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