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党的十四届三中全会提出了建立以公有制为主体的现代企业制度,标志着企业改革进入了制度创新和配套改革的新阶段。十四届五中全会又进一步指出“建立和完善社会主义市场经济体制是今后15年的战略任务”,而我国由传统计划经济体制完成向社会主义市场经济体制转变,至少需要具备五大基本要素,即适应市场经济的现代企业制度,统一开放的市场体系和合理的价格体系,完备有效的宏观调控体制,完善的适应市场经济的法律体系,以及合理的个人分配体制和社会保障体制。在这五大要素中,建立适应市场经济的现代企业制度是首要的和最基本的,它是市场经济体制的微观基础。 1995年以来,中央和各省、市、自治区继续开展2000多家现代企业制度试点工作,以求以点带面,促进全国更多的企业逐步建立现代企业制度。然而,联系中外企业发展历史和我国的社会经济现实来看,我们不能奢望在短时间内就能够在我国完全建立起规范的现代企业制度。特别是当前,我国在培育和构造现代企业制度过程中,面临着许多制约因素。 The Third Plenary Session of the 14th CPC Central Committee proposed the establishment of a modern enterprise system with public ownership as the main body, indicating that enterprise reform has entered a new stage of system innovation and supporting reform. The Fifth Plenary Session of the 14th CPC Central Committee further pointed out that “the establishment and improvement of a socialist market economic system is the strategic task for the next 15 years.” The transition from the traditional planned economy system to the socialist market economy system in China needs at least five basic elements. That is to adapt to the modern enterprise system of the market economy, a unified open market system and a reasonable price system, a complete and effective macro-control system, a sound legal system to adapt to the market economy, and a reasonable individual distribution system and social security system. Among these five major elements, the establishment of a modern enterprise system adapted to a market economy is the most important and basic, and it is the micro foundation of the market economy system. Since 1995, the central government, provinces, municipalities, and autonomous regions have continued to carry out more than 2,000 pilot projects of modern enterprise systems in order to bring them together and promote more enterprises across the country to gradually establish a modern enterprise system. However, judging from the history of the development of Chinese and foreign companies and the socio-economic reality of China, we cannot expect to establish a fully-fledged modern enterprise system in China within a short period of time. In particular, at present, China is faced with many constraints in the process of cultivating and constructing a modern enterprise system.
维吾尔族民居 维吾尔族遍布全疆,他们根据自身的生活习俗,结合当地地理、气候和建筑材料条件,吸取东西方建筑文化之精华,创造出了本民族灿烂的建筑文化。其民居建筑、清真寺建筑