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《大众科学》由贵州省科学技术协会主办,经国家新闻出版总署批准,国内外公开发行的全国优秀期刊。以宣传“科教兴国”战略、推动自主刨新、活跃学术气氛、鼓励大胆探索为己任。积极报道党中央、国务院关于科技工作的方针、政策及科技界重大成就,及时报道国内外最新科技信息,促进科技成果转化为生产力,探寻解决科技运用、研发中的热点、难点问题,宣传勇于开拓、创新的科研人员和优秀企业。专事刊载科技人员特别是中青年科学家的论述,以求启迪思维、丰富思想、开拓思路,培养和发现更多擅长独立思考、卓有见地的中青年科技人才,力争把《大众科学》办成在科学技术领域颇具影响的优秀刊物。 “Popular Science” is sponsored by Guizhou Science and Technology Association and approved by State Press and Publication Administration. It is a national excellent journal that is publicly released both at home and abroad. To propagate “science and education to rejuvenate” strategy, to promote independent new, active academic atmosphere, to encourage bold exploration as its mission. Actively report on the guidelines and policies of the Party Central Committee and the State Council and major achievements of the scientific and technological circles, timely report the latest scientific and technological information both at home and abroad, and promote the transformation of scientific and technological achievements into productive forces; seek solutions to hot and difficult issues in scientific and technological utilization and research and development; , Innovative researchers and outstanding enterprises. Specializing in scientific and technical personnel, especially middle-aged and young scientists, the exposition, in order to inspire thinking, enriching ideas, pioneering ideas, cultivate and find more good at independent thinking, insightful young scientific and technological personnel, and strive to “popular science” Outstanding publications influential in science and technology.
1822年4月的一天,只有12岁的李斯特在维也纳举行了一次规模很大的演奏会。举世闻名的大音乐家贝多芬此时也坐在观众之中。李斯特的演奏,充满了美的活力,整 One day in Apri
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▲北京、上海举行纪念沈心工、萧友梅学术活动 1990年12月,北京、上海音乐界分别举行纪念沈心工诞辰120周年、纪念萧友梅逝世50周年学术活动,以发扬前辈的优秀音乐传统。沈