各位代表、各位同志: 陕西省音乐家协会第三屉会员代表大会今天隆重开幕了。我代表省委宣传部表示热烈的祝贺!对各位代表和全省的音乐工作者表示亲切的问候! 省文联及各文艺家协会是我省广大文学艺术工作者自己的组织,是党联系广大文艺工作者的桥梁和纽带。建国以来,陕西省音乐家协会在发展社会主义音乐事业中做了大量工作,取得了很好的成果,许多老一辈音乐家和音协的许多领导同志为此倾注了毕生精力和心血,我代表省委宣传部向他(她)们表示衷心的感谢!
Dear Delegates, Ladies and Gentlemen, The Third Timber Member Congress of Shaanxi Musicians Association was grandly opened today. On behalf of the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee, I hereby express my warm congratulation on all delegates and musicians in the province. The provincial Federation of Literary and Art Circles and the Association of Literary and Art Circles is the largest organization of literary and art workers in our province, Worker’s bridge and ties. Since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, the Shaanxi Musicians Association has done a great deal of work in the development of socialist music and has achieved very good results. Many leading musicians of the older generation and many leading comrades in the Music Association have devoted their energies and efforts to this end. Provincial Propaganda Department to him (her) who expressed their heartfelt thanks!