叶片是君子兰的主要观赏部位,名品君子兰更是要求叶片排列整齐,叶色苍翠碧绿,叶面滋润而有光泽。为实现这一目标,须采取以下养护措施: ●正确采光君子兰好的叶形应为“横看一条线,侧看一把扇”。要想做到这一点,关键在于把握好采光的角度。君子兰具有较强的趋光性,应将“Y”形株叶与光线垂直摆放,使叶片的伸长方向在一条线上。为使西向阳光的叶片不直立,宜每10天左右将花盆转动180°。●设法增光叶面的光亮或光泽,即叶面反射出来的亮光,
Clivia is the main ornamental leaves, famous Clivia is required to arrange the leaves neat, green leaves green, leaf moist and shiny. To achieve this goal, the following conservation measures must be taken: ● Climbing a good clivia leaf shape should be “cross a line, a fan on the side.” To do this, the key is to grasp the lighting point of view. Clivia has a strong phototaxis, should be “Y” shaped leaves perpendicular to the light and placed so that the elongation of the leaves in a line. In order to make the leaves of the sun to the sun is not upright, the pot should be rotated about 180 ° every 10 days. ● try to increase the brightness of the foliage or luster, that is, the light reflected from the foliage,