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于国家而言.文化的力量深深熔铸在民族生命力、创造力和凝聚力中:于企业而言,品牌的力量深深熔铸在企业生命力、创造力和凝聚力中:企业文化是一种蕴涵于企业员工心里、脑海里的哲学、品味和境界,它是企业的灵魂;企业品牌是一个蕴涵于企业文化、宣传策略以及核心竞争力的积淀,它是企业的精髓;知识经济时代是文化的时代。文化时代的企业是文化性企业。文化性企业必须按照文化时代的要求,进行企业再造。只有立于文化潮头的企业,只有拥有自己品牌的企业,才可能成长为生命型企业,才有可能永远立于不败之地;于国内工程机械企业家而言,在一片大好形势的市场面前,如何抓住机遇,与时俱进,打造出属于自己的品牌和企业文化,建立“百年老店”,相信已经成为众多老总们思考的问题之一,为此,本刊记者特专访中联重科策划总裁刘国基博士,作为专业策划人、营销传播学博士,刘总将为众多读者解开困扰已久的难题。 For the country, the power of culture is deeply rooted in national vitality, creativity and cohesion: In enterprises, the power of the brand is deeply rooted in the vitality, creativity and cohesion of the enterprise: Corporate culture is a kind of implication in the enterprise It is the soul of the enterprise. The enterprise brand is an accumulation of corporate culture, propaganda strategy and core competitiveness. It is the essence of the enterprise. The era of knowledge economy is the era of culture. Culture era enterprises are cultural enterprises. Cultural enterprises must be in accordance with the requirements of the cultural era, corporate recycling. Only standing in the tide of culture of enterprises, only with their own brand of business, it may grow into a life-style business, it will always be invincible; in the domestic construction machinery entrepreneurs, in a good situation in the market In front of them, how to seize the opportunity and advance with the times to create their own brand and corporate culture, the establishment of “a century-old”, I believe many managers have become one of the problems, for this reason, correspondents Interview Dr. Liu Guoji, President of Lianhe Branch Planning, as a professional curator and a Ph.D. in marketing and communications, will solve the long-standing problem for many readers.
有位哲人曾说过这样一句话: “一个作家留给后代的是他呕心沥血、激励人们奋发向上的不朽作品; 一个教师留给学生的是使学生终生受用的科学知识和高尚的思想品德。”我想这句
以下刊出的价格为采集时的市场零售价,可能与当前的市场售价有出入,请购买者以购买时的商场售价为准。 对于各地市场状况的评论只代表作者的个人意见,不代表本刊观点。上
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请问那位卖糊辣汤的女孩叫什么名字? 能不能不让那个打饭的把手指伸到我的菜里? 京酱鸡丝、咖喱鸡块、可乐鸡块、宫保鸡丁、炸鸡排、鸡丝豆腐、红烧鸡腿、青豆鸡丁……猪牛羊