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本届财政部党组自2003年以来,已经走过了近四个年头。四年来,部党组坚持以科学发展观为指导,围绕全面建设小康社会、构建社会主义和谐社会的战略目标,深化财税体制改革,强化财政宏观调控,加强财政管理与监督,推进社会主义新农村与和谐社会建设,开创了财政改革与发展的新局面。2006年12月19—20日,全国财政工作会议在北京召开。会议在回顾总结过去工作的基础上,着重研究探讨了今后一个时期财政如何促进构建社会主义和谐社会,谋划了新时期财政工作的发展规划和工作重点。为了充分报道本次会议,回顾近年来的财政工作,本刊特策划了《站在历史新起点上谋划财政工作科学发展——2006年全国财政工作会议纵深报道》,既全面、深刻报道本次会议,也深入系统地回顾四年来中国财政改革与发展所走过的历程,旨在总结传承,进一步明晰中国财政未来的走向。 The current Ministry of Finance party has been through nearly four years since 2003. In the past four years, the ministry party group has adhered to the guidance of the scientific concept of development, has focused on the strategic goal of building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way and of building a socialist harmonious society. It has also deepened the reform of the fiscal and taxation system, strengthened fiscal macro-control, strengthened financial management and supervision, and promoted the socialist new countryside and The building of a harmonious society has created a new situation in financial reform and development. From December 19 to December 20, 2006, the National Financial Work Conference was held in Beijing. On the basis of reviewing and summarizing the past work, the conference focused on the study of how finance will promote the building of a harmonious socialist society in the forthcoming period and planned the development plan and work priorities of the financial work in the new period. In order to fully cover this meeting and review the financial work in recent years, we plan to “plan the scientific development of financial work standing on a new historical starting point - the in-depth report on the 2006 National Conference on Financial Work”, which reports both comprehensively and profoundly this time The meeting also reviewed in depth and systematically the course of China’s financial reform and development over the past four years with a view to summing up the inheritance and further clarifying the future direction of China’s financial affairs.
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