,Effect of Post-Annealing on Microstructural and Electrical Properties of N+Ion-Implanted into ZnO:I

来源 :中国物理快报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qwc198762
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We fabricate p-type conductive ZnO thin films on quartz glass substrates by codoping of In-N using radio frequency magnetron sputtering technique together with the direct implantation of acceptor dopants (nitrogen).The effects of thermal annealing on the structure and electrical properties of the ZnO films are investigated by an x-ray diffractometer (XRD) and a Hall measurement system.It is found that the best p-type ZnO film subjected to annealed exhibits excellent electrical properties with a hole concentration of 1.22 × 1018 cm-3,a Hall mobility of 2.19cm2V-1s-1,and a low resistivity of about 2.33Ωcm,indicating that the presence of In may facilitates the incorporation of N into ZnO thin films.
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