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分光光度分析法是应用较广的分析方法之一,复方制剂由于组分多,测定方法复杂,组分与组分,组分与辅料间常存在干扰,使组分的含量测定需要进行繁琐的分离手续。近年来,计算分光光度法的发展,使同时测定复方制剂中多组分含量的研究工作得到了迅速的发展。从经典的解联立方程组,到最小二乘法,岭回归分析法,因子分析法,动态规划法和最优化方法等。上述测定方法各有其优点,值得作进一步探讨。撒痛风注射液是含有水杨酸钠、咖啡因和安替比林三个组分的复方制剂。本文采用对偶单纯形法解线性规划,并编写了程序,用PC-1500计算器进行计算,对撒痛风注射液进行了同时含量测定。水杨酸钠、安替比林和咖啡因的平均回收率分别为100.0,99.7和99.5%,变异系数分别为0.66,0.47和0.99%.本方法简单、快速、准确。 Spectrophotometric analysis is one of the more widely used analytical methods. Because of the large number of components and the complicated determination methods, the components and components, the interference between components and excipients often exist, and the determination of the content of the components requires cumbersome Separation procedures. In recent years, the development of computational spectrophotometry has enabled the rapid development of the simultaneous determination of multi-component content in compound preparations. From classical solutions to simultaneous equations, to least squares, ridge regression analysis, factor analysis, dynamic programming and optimization methods. The above determination methods have their own advantages, it is worth further study. Sam Gout injection is a compound containing three components of sodium salicylate, caffeine and antipyrine. In this paper, the dual simplex method is used to solve the linear programming, and the program is compiled. The PC-1500 calculator is used to calculate the content of Simiaofeng injection. The average recoveries of sodium salicylate, antipyrine and caffeine were 100.0, 99.7 and 99.5%, respectively, and the coefficients of variation were 0.66, 0.47 and 0.99%, respectively. The method was simple, rapid and accurate.
血浆样品经饱和硼酸钠溶液碱化,用叔丁基甲醚提取安吖啶,分取有机相,加0.01mol/L 磷酸溶液反提取,然后吸取水液进样。用 NOPAK C_(18)柱,甲醇:水:1mol/L磷酸三乙胺溶液(65:34
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氟哌酸属广谱抗菌药,尤其对肠炎、菌痢疗效确切.但由于本品味苦及口服有不适感、因此目前多用其股囊剂,给儿童用药带来不便。为克服 Norfloxacin is a broad-spectrum anti
新近一期《急症医学》杂志刊登一篇文章,就头孢类抗生素在治疗感染性疾病中的作用进行了有益的综述,其中重点的内容有: 头孢菌素类是一类非常安全的药物。约有3%~6%的服药患者
黄体酮(Pro)可使KCI(60 mmol/L)或NE(1μmol/L)诱发的肌条收缩明显松驰,IC_(50)分别为70.3和93.9(μmol/L);而戊脉安(Ver)的IC_(50)则分别为0.085和0.766(μmol/L)。Pro和Ver
离子选择电极(Ion Sellective Electrode简称ISE)在法医毒物分析方面作一综述如下。一、氟化物的测定:用LaF_3制成氟电极被广泛用于毒物中氟化物的分析。中毒的食物、呕吐物