“事件行销”不仅是追求品牌知名度的得力武器, 也是伤害企业品牌的利刃“事件行销”越来越多地被运用到市场营销中,而且成为某些企业寻求品牌知名度和追求市场效益最大化的不二法门。这或许更多地借鉴于娱乐圈内杀鸡取卵的作风。如今,我们若频繁地看到某明星的八卦新闻,那肯定后面有与之关联的商业运作。就连某些平日里基本功扎实、口碑还不错的演艺人士,也大都耐不住没有掌声的寂寞, 绞尽脑汁地开一下出租车,跟“赵大爷”搭句讪,弄个私生子或者露一下什么的,图的不就是赚个眼球,沾点人气么?!
“Event Marketing” is not only an effective weapon to pursue brand awareness, but also the “cutting edge” event marketing that is harming the corporate brand. More and more, “event marketing” is being applied to marketing, and it is also becoming the goal of some enterprises to seek brand awareness and maximize market efficiency The only way. This may be more borrowed from the entertainment industry to get rid of chicken style. Now, if we frequently see gossip news from a celebrity, there is surely something to do with its commercial operation. Even some of the basic skills of a solid day-to-day, good reputation of entertainers, but also most of the loneliness without a round of applause, rack one’s brains to open a taxi, with the “Uncle Zhao,” take a sentence, get an illegitimate child or dew What, the map is not earned an eye, dip point popular it ?!