The Influence of the Smartphones on Modern Life

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  Nowadays, many youngsters are obsessed with computers and smartphones by the time they are in high schools. As long as they have a smartphone and a fast network speed, they could surf the Internet all day, whether they play games, watch videos or chat with their net friends. Someone would assert that smartphones do provide convenience to us, while the others contend that sometimes being addicted to surfing the web will do harm to our normal interpersonal communication.
  The social network has not only changed the way we communicate but also the culture of our country. Lately there’s a weird phenomenon that there’s a dozen people who sit together around a table for dinner, while there’re no exchanges at all for they are all watching their phones with lowering their heads. It’s awkward for the coldness between them. Clearly surfing the web has affected the normal face-to-face communication. People tend to focus on their phones and don’t pay any attention to their friends or the environment around them. This phenomenon has reflected that people are using too much energy and time on the Internet and neglect people who are close at hand.
  Another problem is that online chatting is damaging students’ social life. In the era of information and technology, more and more children prefer to kill time with computers and smartphones instead of companying with their partners. Compared with previous generations which don’t have the condition, students in our generation prefer to stay at home alone. That’s why they are getting fatter because they avoid taking outdoor exercises, moreover, some children are suffering from obesity. In addition, because of being excessively obsessed with the electronic products, most of them have shortsightedness. The narrow space and changeless environment even lead to their autism, and they are not willing to go outside to appreciate the beautiful scenery of nature and refuse to hang out with friends. The most obvious characteristic of students is that their school record will be badly damaged. They have lost the sense of responsibility and the capacity of team work. The time of face-to-face interactions will be wasted, so that they will lose their cognitions of the real world especially they are in the period of developing their social skills and interpersonal circles.
  In spite of all the disadvantages we mentioned above, smartphones do have some advantages for modern people. Firstly, it will be convenient to search for some learning materials. Students could look up to standard references easily by using smartphones. They can even take pictures for teachers’ blackboard-writings if they have no time to take notes. Indeed, it’s very advisable to study by the help of modern tools. Secondly, the most useful function of smartphones is to help students realize online collaboration. Several students could enjoy one window to chat with others simultaneously. It’s not only convenient for teachers to assign homework but also useful for students to join together to discuss their opinions. They can easily work together on a group program by videos without go out to get together. Thirdly, chatting online with smartphones is an effective way for students who stay far away from their hometowns to get in touch with their parents. It’s a comfort for them.
  From the discussion above, it’s obvious that smartphones are becoming more and more popular among modern people. Smartphones, as the most famous modern tools, have both disadvantages and advantages. On one hand, they can be useful tools when people prefer to look for some references or keep in touch with friends who live far away. On the other hand, they could be the chief culprit of your bad performance in school and the coldness of modern interpersonal communication. Obviously, we should select the essence of the smartphones and discard the gross of them, which means to do some beneficial behaviors by the help of them and try to avoid being excessively addicted to the meaningless stuff. Only in this way can we make good use of this modern tool.
高中英语教学和文化之间有着一定的联系,在高中英语教学中只有合理的融合文化教学策略才能更好地提升教学质量,学生也会在这种教学氛围当中显著提升自身的文化素养及知识水平。随着新课改政策的不断深入,只有及时转变高中英语教学理念和教学手段,积极融合文化教学策略才能落实文化教育,促使学生更加积极主动地参与到学习当中,实现自身的全面发展。  1. 在高中英语词汇教学中运用文化教学策略  对于高中时期的学生来说,
1. 引言   当下,课程改革已步入深水区,教师要全面贯彻立德树人教育方针,以培养全面发展的人作为自己课堂的主要使命。在此背景下,初中英语教师要以核心素养为统筹,切实改革课堂,让课堂成为学生的学堂,成为学生发展思维品质的芳草地。初中英语阅读教学是英语课堂教学的重头戏,阅读既是发展学生语言能力的主要手段,也是学生发展的重要目标。为此,初中英语教师要树立新的课堂观和阅读观,通过开展深度阅读活动,牵引学
在英语教学中,掌握词汇是必需的一课,对于学生来说,如何将大量的陌生词汇转化为自己的知识始终是一道难题,对于教师来说,如何引导学生掌握这些单词也需要诸多技巧。将思维导图这一工具引用到高中英语词汇的教学中,是教学的技巧之一。下面将这一方式进行阐述。  1. 思维导图的概念  思维导图是按照英文“Mind Map”翻译过来的,最早提出这一概念的是英國心理学家Barry Buzan。思维导图是指在学习过程
引言  新时期,在高中英语教学课堂,教师要重视采用任务型教学方法,任务型教学方法提高了学生实践能力,利于培养学生英语思维,为了有效地进行教学实践,本文结合具体教学实际,对其进行了深入探索,希望分析能够提高学生英语学习水平。  1. 任务型教学模式的概念与优势  任务型教学是指通过设置明确的教学任务促进学生进行学习,让学生在学习过程中以完成任务为目标,并能通过任务完成结果体现课堂教学效率的一种教学模