Inhibitory effect of agmatine on proliferation of tumor cells by modulation of polyamine metabolism

来源 :Acta Pharmacologica Sinica | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:he_shang_cun
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Aim:To assess the inhibitory effect of agmatine on tumor growth in vivo andtumor cell proliferation in vitro.Methods:The transplanted animal model,[~3H]thymidine incorporation assay,3-[4,5-dimethythiazol-2-yl]-2,5-diphenyltetrazo-lium assay,and lactate dehydrogenase(LDH)release assay were performed.Results:Agmatine,at doses of 5-40 mg/kg,suppressed the S_(180)sarcoma tumorgrowth dose-dependently in mice in vivo and the highest inhibitory ratio reached31.3% in Kunming mice and 50.0% in Balb/c mice,respectively.Similar resultswere obtained in the transplanted B_(16)melanoma tumor model.Agmatine(1-1000 μmol/L)was able to attenuate the proliferation of cultured MCF-7 humanbreast cancer cells in vitro in a concentration-dependent manner and the highestinhibitory ratio reached 50.3% in the[~3H]thymidine incorporation assay.Additionally,in the LDH release assay,spermine(20μmol/L)and spermidine(20μmol/L)increased the LDH release significantly,but agmatine(1-1000μmol/L)did not,indicating that the inhibitory effect of agmatine on the proliferation ofMCF was not related to cellular toxicity.In the[~3H]thymidine incorporation assay,putrescine(12.5-100.0μmol/L)could reverse the inhibitory effect of agmatine onthe proliferation of MCF concentration-dependently,suggesting that the inhibi-tory effect of agmatine on the proliferation of MCF might be associated with adecreased level of the intracellular polyamines pool.Conclusion:Agmatine hadsignificant inhibitory effect on transplanted tumor growth in vivo and prolifera-tion of tumor cells in vitro,and the mechanism might be a result of inducingdecrease of intracellular polyamine contents. Aim: To assess the inhibitory effect of agmatine on tumor growth in vivo and tumor cell proliferation in vitro. Methods: The transplanted animal model, [~ 3H] thymidine incorporation assay, 3- [4,5-dimethythiazol-2-yl] , 5-diphenyltetrazo-lium assay, and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) release assay were performed. Results: Agmatine, at doses of 5-40 mg / kg, suppressed the S_ (180) sarcoma tumorgrowth dose-dependently in mice in vivo and the highest inhibitory ratio reached 31.3% in Kunming mice and 50.0% in Balb / c mice, respectively.Similar resultswere obtained in the transplanted B_ (16) melanoma tumor model.Agmatine (1-1000 μmol / L) was able to attenuate the proliferation of cultured MCF-7 human breast cancer cells in vitro in a concentration-dependent manner and the highest inhibition ratio reached 50.3% in the [~ 3H] thymidine incorporation assay. Additionally, in the LDH release assay, spermine (20 μmol / L) and spermidine 20 μmol / L) increased the LDH release significantly, but agmatine (1-1000 μmol / L) did not, indicating th at inhibitory effect of agmatine on the proliferation of MCF was not related to cellular toxicity. the [~ 3H] thymidine incorporation assay, putrescine (12.5-100.0 μmol / L) could reverse the inhibitory effect of agmatine on the proliferation of MCF concentration- dependently , suggesting that the inhibi-tory effect of agmatine on the proliferation of MCF might be associated with adecreased level of the intracellular polyamines pool. Confluence: Agmatine hadsignificant inhibitory effect on transplanted tumor growth in vivo and prolifera-tion of tumor cells in vitro, and the mechanism might be a result of inducingcrease of intracellular polyamine contents.
我一向以为,学好哲学,除了得啃经典名著而外,还须得读几本出自大家手笔的哲学史著作。读这类书所能获得的益处是读通常我们见到的那些哲学史教科书难以替代的。在教科书中,思想常常已经形容枯搞或支离破碎了,剩下的只是对观点和史料豆腐干式的拼排。而在前者那里,你却能把摸到思想鲜活活的脉动。贺麟先生的《五十年来的中国哲学》,当之无愧地是应算在大家手笔之列的。  贺先生的这些文字写于也已差不多五十年前了,主要论及
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<正> 1990年10月20日至21日,日本伦理学会在东京都法政大学召开第41次大会。笔者应邀参加了这次大会。据了解,这是中国学者首次参加这样的会议,现将这次会议概述如下。 日本伦理学会1950年成立,现有会员993名。主要是伦理学的教学和科研人员。该会每年召开一次大会,集中讨论伦理学的研究进展情况,可以说,每次年会,都是日本伦理学界研究情况的基本反映。本次会议的共同研究课题为“英国的道德哲学”,有近30名学者都是围绕着这一内容,从不同角度、不同侧面探讨了英国道德哲学的发展情况、英国伦理学家
<正> 黑龙江省暨哈尔滨市社会学学会于1980年6月10日建立,迄今已届满十年了。在这十年中,社会学经受了考验和锻炼,并在黑龙江这块土地上扎根、成长、壮大。 一、社会学在黑龙江的建设和成长 1979年3月,我国恢复和重建社会学。但是在黑龙江无论是旧中国,还是解放后直到1980年6月之前的新中国,社会学始终是一个空白地带。十年来,社会学在黑龙江得以成
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<正> 1979年3月16日,胡乔木同志在全国哲学社会科学规划会议筹备处召开的社会学座谈会上,正式提出中国社会科学院要成立社会学研究所。3月18日,中国社会学研究会成立,在第一次理事会上,与会理事一致拥护在中国社会科学院设立社会学研究所的决定,从此开始了社会学研究所的创建工作。1980年1月18日,经国务院正式发文批准,成立中国社会科学院社会学研究所。1985年原青少年研究所的大部分研究人员调到我所,以后又经过逐步发展,使我们社会学研究所达到了今天的规模。所以今天我们的纪念会有双重的意义,既
《周谷城文选》收录了作者自一九二四年到一九八九年六十余年在各个历史时期多种学科领域的主要代表论著(长篇专著除外),比较系统地体现了作者的学术思想及学术发展过程。  收入文选最早的论著是写于一九二四年的《生活系统》一书。这部哲学著作,可视为作者整个学术思想体系最初的哲学基础。它是有感于五四以后的不少青年,不去接触和了解社会生活本身,却来侈谈“人生观”而作的。作者认为,现在不可再蹈前此的错误了,即不去
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