Relation between human existence and environment viewing from the distribution of prehistoric archae

来源 :Chinese Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lvyuguo_sh
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Based on archaeological research findings in the Three Gorges region as well as the distribution of prehistoric sites in this area,the following conclusion can be derived:the unique physical and geographical conditions and variations in the Three Gorges region make local people of different ages seek their survival and development in the favorable environment along the riverbanks.Environment evolution has direct impact on the selection of location for survival.The increase of sites quantity reflects the favorable natural environment,but the decrease just reflects the consequence of such natural disasters as flood. Based on archaeological research findings in the Three Gorges region as well as the distribution of prehistoric sites in this area, the following conclusion can be derived: the unique physical and geographical conditions and variations in the Three Gorges region make local people of different ages seek their survival and development in the favorable environment along the riverbanks .Environment evolution has direct impact on the selection of location for survival.The increase of sites quantity reflects the favorable natural environment, but the decrease just reflects the consequence of such natural disasters as flood.
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