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如果进行换位思考,牵着青春赌明天,赌未来的NBA球员,他们的职业生涯长者10多年,短者几年,从事这样一个高风险职业,这期间让自己的利益最大化,他们的行为也无可厚非。作为“03黄金一代”的代表人物,“小皇帝”詹姆斯、“闪电侠”韦德、克里斯·波什,他们前段时问均表示,接受所在球队开出的5年8000万美元长约。这可是顶薪合同.他们没有理由不在这样的合同上签字。但当签约日开放后,他们的合同却魔术般地均一下子变成了“3+1”,合同缩短至4年,最后1年他们还有选择权。早在上个赛季末段,“小皇帝”就放出话,说自己会终老骑士。但当骑士队和他谈续约条件时,“小皇帝”和他的经纪人,却都变成了“哑巴”,对自己的未来几乎只字不谈。骑士队和克里夫兰球迷急了,他们在不同场合表示,只要詹姆斯和骑士续约,一切好商量。詹姆斯为了这份合同.可谓费尽了心机,除和自己的经纪人精心计算外,还征求了安东尼等NBA球员的意见。最后,他向骑士队抛出了那份“3+1”合同。韦德本来和热队谈妥妥了5年8000万美元合同,但当他看到詹姆斯的“3+1”合同时,和经纪人精心研究后。认为“3+1”更妥当,便推翻了此前的合同。本来韦德铁定在迈阿密打5年球,现在变成了3年,热队有苦只好往肚子里咽。 If you think about empathy, holding youth gamble tomorrow, betting future NBA players, their career elders more than 10 years, a few short years, engaged in such a high-risk career, this period to maximize their own interests, their Nor is the act. As the “03 golden generation” representative, “little emperors” James, “Dwyane Wade”, Chris Bosh, they asked earlier said they accepted the team out of five years 80 million US dollars long . This is the top salary contract. They have no reason not to sign such a contract. However, when the contract was opened, their contracts were all magically turned into “3 +1” contracts shortened to 4 years, the last year they have the right to choose. As early as the end of last season, “little emperors” to speak out, saying he will eventually knight. However, when the Cavaliers talked to him about the conditions for renewal, the “little emperors” and his agents became “dumb” and kept bare a word about their own future. Cavaliers and Cleveland fans anxious, they said on different occasions, as long as James and the Cavaliers renewal, everything is good to discuss. James for the contract. Desperate effort, in addition to carefully calculated with his own broker, but also sought the advice of Anthony and other NBA players. In the end, he threw out the “3 + 1” contract to the Cavs. Wade had originally negotiated a $ 80 million contract with the Heat for a period of five years, but when he saw James’ “3 + 1” contract and the broker carefully studied it. Think “3 +1” is more appropriate, it overturned the previous contract. Had Wade ironclad fight in Miami for 5 years, now turned into 3 years, the Heat have a hard time to swallow the stomach.
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