
来源 :文化遗产研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:junxiaohao
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阿尔泰语系突厥语民族是我国北方主要的语言使用族群之一。它包括维吾尔、哈萨克、柯尔克孜族、乌兹别克、塔塔尔、裕固、撒拉等民族。这些民族源远流长的口头传统以及数以百计的英雄史诗作品是其民族文化中最显著的标志,《玛纳斯》、《乌古斯汗》、《阿勒帕米斯》、《艾尔托什图克》等经典作品早已跨越国界成为国际性研究学科,产生了世界范围的影响。本文力求从国际视野、国内研究以及学术史反思三个方面回顾和勾勒其学术史脉络,给当今学人以比较清晰的学术史宏观视角,反思我国口头史诗传统的搜集、整理和研究中存在的普遍性问题,以期给当代年轻学人以启示。 The Turkic ethnic Altai language family is one of the major linguistic groups in northern China. It includes the Uyghur, Kazak, Kirgiz, Uzbekistan, Tatar, Yugur, Salar and other ethnic groups. The longstanding oral traditions of these peoples and hundreds of heroic epic works are the most prominent symbols of their national culture, and Manas, Oguashan, Shituk "and other classic works have long been across national boundaries into international research disciplines, resulting in a worldwide impact. This essay tries to review and outline the history of the academic history from the international perspective, the domestic research and the introspection of the academic history, and give present scholars a clear perspective of the history of the academic history to reflect on the problems existing in the collection, collation and study of the oral epic tradition in our country Universal issues, with a view to inspire young contemporary scholars.
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摘 要:探究式学习法是现代教学中的重要方法,也是课堂启发式教学的一种重要手段。如何在历史课堂教学中运用探究式学习法,关系到历史课程教学能否真正体现新课程标准的理念,关系到能否有效推进历史课程的教学改革,提高学生的人文素质。然而,要真正把内容单一、枯燥,大多数学生并不感兴趣的历史教材内容通过探究式学习方法的运用,加强师生互动,真正体现学生在学习中的主体地位,设计合理的问题,在教学的情境中进行运用就
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