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目的探讨卡前列素氨丁三醇联合缩宫素在高危妊娠剖宫产术后产后出血的防治效果。方法 100例实施剖宫产术的高危妊娠产妇,随机分为联合用药组和单用缩宫素组,每组50例。联合用药组给予卡前列素氨丁三醇联合缩宫素进行防治,单用缩宫素组给予缩宫素进行防治。观察两组剖宫产术后2 h和2~24 h的出血量、出血发生率、输血发生率及应用附加止血措施发生率及不良反应发生情况。结果联合用药组剖宫产术后2 h、2~24 h出血量分别为(94.5±12.9)、(61.5±13.8)ml,单用缩宫素组剖宫产术后2 h、2~24 h出血量分别为(158.3±20.3)、(85.1±15.2)ml,联合用药组剖宫产术后2 h出血量和术后2~24 h出血量均低于单用缩宫素组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);联合用药组产后出血发生率12.0%、输血发生率4.0%、应用附加止血措施发生率8.0%分别低于单用缩宫素组的30.0%、24.0%、26.0%(P<0.05);联合用药组不良反应发生率为12.0%,单用缩宫素组不良反应发生率为8.0%,比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论以缩宫素为基础联合应用卡前列素氨丁三醇防治高危妊娠剖宫产术后产后出血临床效果显著,值得临床借鉴应用。 Objective To investigate the prevention and treatment of postpartum hemorrhage with cetuximab and oxytocin combined with oxytocin after cesarean section in high-risk pregnancies. Methods 100 cases of high risk pregnant women who underwent cesarean section were randomly divided into combination group and oxytocin group, with 50 cases in each group. Combined treatment group was given carboprost trometamol combined with oxytocin for prevention and treatment, oxytocin alone with oxytocin for prevention and treatment. The incidences of bleeding, the incidence of bleeding, the incidence of transfusion and the incidence of adverse reactions were observed at 2 h and 2-24 h after cesarean section in both groups. Results The bleeding volume at 2 h and 2 ~ 24 h after cesarean section in the combination group was (94.5 ± 12.9) and (61.5 ± 13.8) ml, respectively. The oxytocin group at 2 h and 2 ~ 24 h after cesarean section h were (158.3 ± 20.3) and (85.1 ± 15.2) ml, respectively. The bleeding volume at 2 h after cesarean section and the bleeding volume at 2 ~ 24 h after cesarean section in combination group were all lower than those in oxytocin group (P <0.05). The incidence of postpartum hemorrhage and the incidence of blood transfusion in combination group were 12.0% and 4.0% respectively, and the incidence of postoperative bleeding was 8.0% and 30.0% respectively compared with that of oxytocin alone group and 24.0% The incidence of adverse reactions was 12.0% in the combination group and 8.0% in the oxytocin group alone, with no significant difference (P> 0.05). Conclusions The combination of oxytocin and carbostyril trometamol in the prevention and treatment of postpartum hemorrhage after cesarean section of high-risk pregnancy clinical effect is significant, it is worth learning from the clinical application.
目的对通心络胶囊在冠状动脉粥样硬化性心脏病治疗中的临床效果进行分析和总结。方法 66例冠状动脉粥样硬化性心脏病患者,随机分成为研究组和对照组,每组33例。对照组给予阿
目的探讨甲硝唑联合乳酸杆菌应用于妊娠期滴虫性阴道炎临床治疗中的效果。方法 110例妊娠期滴虫性阴道炎患者,随机分为研究组和对照组,每组55例。对照组仅给予甲硝唑进行治疗
目的 揭示广西母婴安全工程在农村地区的实施效果.方法 采用方便抽样的方法在广西农村地区抽取12个样本县,通过信函调查收集2003~2006年各样本县县、乡两级接产机构各类资源投
目的 探讨咪达唑仑与盐酸右美托咪定对子宫切除术患者全身麻醉恢复期影响.方法 83例子宫切除术的患者,随机分为对照组(41例)和观察组(42例).对照组于麻醉前20 min静脉输注咪
目的对重组人脑钠肽治疗失代偿性心力衰竭的临床疗效进行研究分析。方法 58例失代偿性心力衰竭患者,随机分为研究组和对照组,每组29例。对照组患者使用常规治疗,研究组患者在
目的探讨使用干扰素联合炎琥宁治疗临床小儿手足口病临床疗效。方法 146例小儿手足口患儿,随机分为研究组和对照组,每组73例。对照组采用常规治疗,研究组在对照组治疗的基础
第六讲利用医院数字化条件,在质量检查体系内构建医疗基本质控平台,监控主体服务过程rn1 医疗服务主体过程是质控的重点rn医疗服务是医院服务的主体过程,门急诊、住院、手术
目的 探讨比较氨磺必利与利培酮治疗首发精神分裂症患者的临床效果.方法 70例首发精神分裂症患者,按照患者入院时间先后分为对照组和观察组,各35例.对照组患者给予利培酮治疗
目的观察分析新生儿寒冷损伤综合征应用小剂量肝素治疗的临床效果。方法 90例新生儿寒冷损伤综合征患儿,通过双色球随机分组法分为观察组和对照组,各45例。对照组患儿实施常