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  【Abstract】 In Junior English,the Object Clause is most important grammar in Grade Three t.Students are always influenced by the question sentences and their orders.The writer has some imagination from teaching and wants to share with the colleagues.
  【Key words】Analysis; object clause; characteristics; imagination
  I.Analysis of the strucure and characteristics of Object Clause
  As everyone knows,the knowledge of Object Clause in Junior English is a difficult grammar.Learning it well is surely helpful for sudents to learn other clauses.Teachers should help students understand the structure and characteristics.Observe the following to find the phenomenon:
  1.I hope that you are the only one that always first come to school.
  2.He asked who could answer the question.
  3.The teacher said if you had time time,you’d better finish your homework.
  They have a same structure of the statement order,although some led by the question words.This is quite different from that question words are followed with the interogative sentences.Meanwhile,if the question word is used as a subject,the order of the clause is not changed.
  II.Induction and summary of the students’ mistakes in the exercises
  The causes of the mistakes and help the them to correct.
  1.Students don’t know what kind of conjections to select.
  1) He asked ________ there was a bookshop in the street.
  A.that B.what C.how D.whether
  The choice whether is surely chosen because it implies the doubt.
  2) Tell me ______ you will go with us or stay at home.
  A.if B.whether C.That D.How
  We can only use whether but if.
  2.Students don’t know how to arrange the order of the object clauses.
  1) He wanted to know_______.
  A.when would the holiday begin
  B.that he had come back from Beijing
  C.which one did I like best
  D.how he could get to the station
  Question words will be followed by “subject predicate others( if need)”.So the answer of this one is B.
  2) I wonder____.
  A.who broke the window B.who the window broke
  C.whose coat is this D.what is the population of China
  In fact the real subject is the question word “who”.So the correct choice is A.
  3.Students make wrong judgement of the object structure.
  I don’t know________.
  A.which room I can live B.which room can I live
  C.which room I can live in D.which room can I live in   The answer is A.because the predicate live can’t be followed by the object directly.They can be linked by the preposition “in”.
  1) The boy hopes the Red Armies will come back when Ying Shanhong come out in the spring.
  2) They wish that the passengers on the MH370 are still alive in some place.
  3) The teacher said that the headmaster had already taught 30 years before he came to their school.
  when the tenses in the main sentences belong to the present,the tenses in the object clauses can be various.But if the main sentence uses the Past (Indefinite) tense,the tenses in the object clauses should be in the past different forms.
  Next examples:
  ①Long,long ago,people didn’t know the earth___ round the sun.
  A.moving B.moved C.moves D.went
  Here the answer can only be C for the object clause describes a natural phenomenon.
  ②The station master told the reporters that all of the trains leave Huaian Station at a right time.
  ③She couldn’t imagine almost the whole country begin to work an hour earlier when using the summer time.
  ④The science teacher told the students yesterday that light travels in a straight liine.
  The ways to correct or avoid the mistakes.
  First, remember: The more we read,the more we can get and master.The more practise,the fewer mistakes as well as learning other different kinds of clauses.Secondly,as the writer’s research and questionair displays,the object claause looks much easier,but it is very difficult to master and use.Teachers spend enough time and energy helping the students to train and practice.Thirdly,practice as much as possible.
  III.Imagination for the other clauses teaching
  All clauses have the same characteristics that are in the statement order confirmed by linguists.Various grammar books and dictionaries are for learners to use.This can help to learn Adverbial and Subject clauses too.
  There are 8-type adverbial clauses in English.But no matter what it is,the characteritic of the clauses can be concluded the same as the Object Clause.In other words,Adverbial Clauses are using the statement order.And the most of the conjunctions that are used to lead the clauses.
  We can find the similarities from the following sentences.
  1.When he looked up from the book,the elder man found the sky changed grey.
  2.As soon as he gets to Nanjing,he called his friend
  3.What were you doing while I was reparing my bike downstairs?
  4.Generally,air will be heavily polluted where there are factories.
  5.My friends dislike me because I’m handsome and successful.
  6.He got up so early that he caught the first bus.
  7.We’ll start our project if the president agrees.
  8.When in Rome,do as the Roman do.
  We can also observe the Nooun Clauses and the Attibutive clauses in Junior English.
  1.I like the music that(which) he dislike.
  2.They explained the reason to us why they had hated us before.
  3.It was a pity (that) you didn’t go to the talk.
  In general,combine the knowledge of one grammar points with others.After all,they are surely having something in common,and one can help to solve the doubts and questions in the other.That will be very helpful in our language learning.
【摘要】背诵与写作都是培养学生英语应用能力的有效途径,并且两者之间的还存在着密切的关联。文章从英语背诵与写作的关系入手,阐述了在英语教学实践中两者相互结合的重要性,并就如何提高学生背诵和写作技能进行了探讨、研究,希望能为高中英语教学提供有益借鉴。  【关键词】高中英语 教学 背诵 写作 关系  在高中英语教学中,写作一直是最为薄弱的一环,造成这一问题的主要原因就是学生语言积累不够。背诵作为一种有意
【摘要】新课程的改革任重而道远,新的课程理念正在逐渐更新着教师的教学观念。构建高效课堂是每一个老师不断追求的目标,它是教学过程的最优化,教育效果的最大化,是师生完美配合的结晶。  【关键词】新课程 高效课堂 构建  数学是高中较难的一门学科。很多学生经常喊“高中数学难学”、“上课听不懂数学”等,而我们老师也经常抱怨“学生基础差”、“课不好上”、“对牛弹琴”等。目前高中数学教学中普遍存在着一个非常突
【摘要】锡盟的许多初中乡村教师需要提高英语教学手段。因此,本文论述了英语教学有效的教学方法和当前的语言背景、时代背景、文化背景及时间和空间对英语教学的重要影响,通过论述我们能探索出适合锡盟地区英语教学的一些积极的方法和策略,并能使锡盟地区的乡村英语教学方法得以和完善。  【关键词】英语阅读 教学 策略 乡村中学  在锡盟,新《课程标准》提出课外阅读量不少于100000字,阅读速度每分钟50-70字
Spoken English,as is shown to us all,has been neglected for a long time in high school English education.Instead,attention are given to English grammar,reading,
进入八年级以来,随着知识难度的增加,对学生的写作也有了更高的要求。虽然平时我也适时适度的加强了英语写作训练,但几次考试下来,好几个成绩优秀的学生向我诉苦,书面表达他们hold不住了。学生怕写、导致目前出现了一种学生能听、会说,但书面表达能力相对较弱的现象。  书面表达是四大语言技能中的最后一环,也是作为语言学习者来说,应该掌握的一项最基本的技能。英语书面表达作为检测学生语言应用能力的最重要部分,如