
来源 :交通部上海船舶运输科学研究所学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tx9yhbkyyp
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自本世纪二十年代迅速发展起来的系统科学,为人们研究系统控制和优化提供了崭新的理论和方法。系统理论认为,在一个多功能的大系统中,必有许多互为依存、相互关联的子系统,彼此间形成协调和约束。子系统最优不一定是大系统最优。因此,需要通过子系统之间的协调和约束,对系统进行综合分析,分级优化,系统论证,实现大系统的最优。从船型论证出发,逐渐扩展研究范围,将运输船舶与港口、航道等水运工程系统联系起来,构成船型宏观论证的大系统,并以此确定本文研究的边界。本文试图用系统理论分析研究港口、航道、船舶三个系统之间的相互关系,在众多复杂因素中,选取每个系统的一项或几项主要参数作为系统之间的协调变量,寻求一种系统优化的方法。按有关部门对宏观技术经济评价的要求,在效益与费用评价之中,选取在完成一定货运量下使系统投入最少为本系统研究中的目标。以工程经济理论和大系统理论为指导,完成系统的物理模型到数学模型的转化。通过分级优化技术寻优,初步得到满意的结果。 The rapid development of systems science since the 1920s provided new theories and methods for people to study system control and optimization. System theory holds that in a multi-functional large system, there must be many interdependent and interdependent subsystems, which form the coordination and restraint between each other. Subsystem optimization is not necessarily the best of large systems. Therefore, the system needs to be comprehensively analyzed, graded and optimized, and systematically verified through the coordination and restraint of the subsystems so as to realize the optimization of the large system. Based on the demonstration of ship type, the scope of the research is gradually expanded, and the transport ship is linked with the system of water transport engineering such as ports and waterways to form a large system of macroscopic demonstration of ship type, and the boundary of this study is determined. This paper tries to analyze the relationship between the three systems of port, waterway and ship using system theory, and selects one or several main parameters of each system among the many complicated factors as a coordination variable between systems to find a System optimization methods. According to the requirements of the relevant departments on macroeconomic technology and economic evaluation, in the evaluation of benefits and costs, the target of making the least investment in system under the certain freight volume is selected. Under the guidance of engineering economics theory and big system theory, the transformation of the system’s physical model to the mathematical model is completed. Optimized by grading optimization technology, the initial satisfactory results.
以毛泽东主席的名字命名的“毛泽东号”机车组,截止1984年10月30日,安全行车38年,创造安全走行435万公里(相当于绕地球108圈)的新纪录,居全国首位。 38年来,该机车组转战南
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最近,我在沈阳人民旅社遇到几位外地来的客人,同他们谈起沈阳的公共交通,他们都说比头几年好多了,乘车不那么难了。 沈阳是东北地区一个中心城市,又是交通枢纽,市内共有电车