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七月八月看巧云,泰山巧云属晚霞。我乘八月雨后的凉风登上岱顶,仁立在月观峰上,放眼西望,好一派“苍山如海.残日如血”的壮美。 独立峰巅勤古亭,四周苍茫而宁静。天庭大幕上,在雨后残云中穿行的落日异常美丽.此时此刻,它除去了刺眼的光芒.袒露出心胸的磊落,显现庄严 July Qiaoqiao Qiao, Taishan Qiao Yun is a sunset. I boarded the Dai Ding by the cool breeze of August after the rain, Renli was on the peak of the moon and looked westward to make me feel magnificent. Independent peaks Gauting ancient kiosks, surrounded by vast and quiet. In the great curtain of heaven, the setting sun set in the residual cloud after the rain was unusually beautiful. At this moment, it removes the dazzling light. Bare chest of confidence, showing solemn
This paper deals with the effects of average flow velocity, obstacle length and sediment size on time evolution of scour depth near thin, vertical obstacles, p
Deposition of coarse sediment at the entrance of a reservoir is for many reasons an undesired side- effect. Besides loss of storage volume which concer
山无水不活,少了水的山总是让人觉得少了那么一点儿灵气;水是山的血脉、山的精神。 泰山石灵水也秀。溪谷把泰山分成了6个扇状的景区,于是便有了“幽、旷、奥、秀、妙、丽”各景
如果夏季去维也纳,可以好好领 略一下维也纳的夜生活。维也 纳纬度较高,夏季夜晚要九点 半左右才天黑,所以这里的夏 夜又是一番热闹景象。 夏季是维也纳新葡萄酒上市的时节
Unlike other watertowns in north Zhejiang and south Jiangsu which have become popular tourist attractions in recent years, Anchang, another watertown, is quiet