
来源 :河北医药 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:songyong
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目的 :为了解住院患儿的疾病谱及死亡原因的变化趋势。方法 :整理了 1982~ 1997年在我院 (包括儿科以外科室 )住院患儿的病历资料 ,共计 18784份。并对其病历进行了疾病分类及变化趋势、死亡原因及变化趋势的统计和分析。结果 :呼吸系统疾病占所有疾病分类的首位 ,病人最多并有逐年增加的趋势 ;肿瘤病人逐年增加其增长速度最快 ;传染病、血液系统疾病、先天性异常等疾病则呈逐年递减的趋势 ;新生儿疾病的病死率最高 ,人数最多占所有死亡疾病的首位。结论 :从 1982~ 1997年儿童疾病谱和死亡原因均发生了明显的变化 ,过去的少见病正成为现在和今后的常见病。本文通过总结分析16年住院儿童疾病分类及死亡原因 ,为今后更好地做好儿童疾病的医疗和预防保健工作提供科学的依据。 Objective: To understand the change of disease spectrum and cause of death in hospitalized children. Methods: The medical records of infants hospitalized from 1982 to 1997 in our hospital (including the pediatric department) were collected, totaling 18,784. And the medical records of the disease classification and trends, causes of death and trends in the statistics and analysis. Results: Respiratory diseases accounted for the top of all disease categories, with the largest number of patients and a trend of increasing year by year. Cancer patients increased year by year with the fastest growth rate; diseases such as infectious diseases, hematologic diseases and congenital abnormalities decreased year by year; Neonatal disease has the highest mortality rate, accounting for the largest number of all deaths. CONCLUSIONS: From 1982 to 1997, the disease spectrum and the causes of death of children have undergone significant changes. The rare diseases in the past are becoming the common diseases now and in the future. This article summarizes the 16-year hospitalized children’s disease classification and causes of death, and provides a scientific basis for better future medical care and preventive health care of children’s diseases.
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