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1 遗精张某某,男,24岁,1987年5月12日初诊,门诊号:3054。患者形体健壮,平素多虑易怒。自诉反复遗精已半年,曾多方求医诊治,选服补心肾固精之剂不效。现症:面色红赤,口苦口干,心烦不寐,胸胁不舒,小便黄,近来遗精隔日而作,苔薄黄,舌红,脉弦数。显系肝胆实热扰精室,逼精外出。治拟清泻肝胆,龙胆泻肝汤加味:龙胆草6克,黄芩9克,山栀子12克,柴胡6克,木通6克,车前子10克(包煎),泽泻10克,白芍12克,生地12克,当归10克,甘草6克。服5剂后,遗泄未作, 1 Ejaculation Zhang Moumou, male, 24 years old, newly diagnosed on May 12, 1987, outpatient number: 3054. The patient’s body is robust and often irritated. Self-reported repeated seminal emission has been half a year, had many parties to seek medical treatment, choose to serve heart and kidney Gu Jing agent does not work. The disease is: red face, red mouth, dry mouth, upset, unbearable, chest irritability, urine yellow, recent spermatorrhea every other day, thin yellow fur, red tongue, pulse string number. The significant system of hepatobiliary heat disturbed the sperm chamber, and forced to go out. Zhiqing Qingxi Gandan, Longdan Xiegan Decoction: 6 grams of gentian, 9 grams of Astragalus, 12 grams of Crataegus, 6 grams of Bupleurum, 6 grams of wood, 10 grams of plantain (package fried), Ze 10 grams of diarrhea, 12 grams of white peony root, 12 grams of habitat, Angelica 10 grams, 6 grams of licorice. After serving 5 doses, the leakage was not done.
杨牧之新作《佛罗伦萨在哪里》出版研讨会于2003年8月6日在北京举行。 《佛罗伦萨在哪里》是新闻出版总署原副署长,现任中国出版集团管委会主任杨牧之,多次出国访问后所写的
蚯蚓,又名地龙。中药材来源为环节动物巨蚓科参环毛蚓(Phertima aspergill-um)和缟蚯蚓(Allolobphora Trapezo-ides)等的干燥虫体。均为野生。中药学者认为,此虫可入药,其有
This research studied the initiator efficiency for producing polymeric particles of poly(styrene-co-methylmethacrylate) copolymers by a Shirasu porous glass me
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