电费结零难,难就难在不景气企业的电费难收。如何走出电费回收难的困境,湖北省荆门市供电局麻城变电站进行了积极地探索,电费月清月结零。 麻城变电站供矿山企业12家用电,用电量占总电量的60%,其中有7家企业经营不景气,电费拖欠时有发生,给电费结零工作增加了难度。为此,该站将收费的重点放在这些厂矿企业上,采用“五招”抓清收。 加大宣传力度是第一招。广泛利用广播电视和标语,宣传《电力法》和《电力供应与使用条例》,让用户明白电是商品,用电必须交钱,懂得电费不单纯是几个钱的问题,而是维护电力再生产、再发展的重要资金来源,拖欠电费既是违约,又是违法行为,从而提高了用户用电是权力,交钱是义务的自觉性。
It is difficult for electricity tariffs to be difficult to balance, and it is difficult for them to collect electricity tariffs in the downturn. How to get out of the dilemma of difficulty in electricity recovery, the Macheng substation of the power supply bureau in Jingmen City, Hubei Province has been actively explored, and the monthly electricity bill has been cleared. Macheng substation for mining companies 12 households, electricity consumption accounted for 60% of the total electricity, of which seven companies operating in a downturn, tariffs arrears occur from time to time, to the work of electricity tariffs increase the difficulty. To this end, the station will focus on the fees for these factories and mines, using “five strokes” to catch the clear. It is the first move to increase propaganda. Widely use radio, television and slogans to publicize the “Electricity Law” and the “Regulations on the Supply and Use of Electricity” to allow users to understand that electricity is a commodity, that electricity must be paid, and that electricity tariffs are not simply a matter of a few dollars, but that electricity should be maintained. The important source of funding for redevelopment is that the arrears of electricity bills are both breaches of contract and illegal activities, thereby raising the power of users to use electricity, and the obligation to pay money is an obligation.