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  Narrow canals[河道] replace streets, with tiny arched[拱形的] bridges connecting the old buildings; colorful cascades[小瀑布] of flowers spilling from balconies[阳台] take the place of concrete walls; gondolas[凤尾船] and a variety of boats replace cars; and in lieu of[代替] honking[鸣喇叭] horns, the sound of singing gondoliers[凤尾船船夫] echoes[回响] down the canals and cobblestone[圆石] streets. Alleyways wind through the city like a maze[迷宫], opening up into the surprising, sunny little piazzas[广场], complete with fountains. During the evening, patches of fog curl[缠绕] mysteriously[神秘地] through the city in the moonlight, giving it an ethereal[轻飘的], magical atmosphere.
  Where can we find such a romantic place? Yes, it's Venice! Venice is considered among the most beautiful and best-preserved cities in the world. It is beautiful beyond comparison. The city's canals with their gondolas, the ancient buildings and the sweet narrow streets give this unique city a breathtakingly[激动人心地] romantic flair[本领]. Appearing just as it did long ago to traders and travelers on merchant ships approaching from distant lands, Venice continues to enchant[迷住] vacationers and honeymooners[度蜜月的人] arriving by boat today. The city speaks to the heart of lovers and dreamers, business tycoons[大亨] and vendors[小贩]. Nothing new can rival[比得上] its ancient splendour[光辉]; and its store of hidden treasures and mysteries can never be exhausted. The anticipation[期望] of new discoveries belongs to long-time residents and visitors alike as they motor or paddle out to its veiled silhouette[轮廓] on the sea[注1] .

  Venice is built on top of over a hundred islands, between which run about 150 canalsost of which are very narrow. There are over a hundred little communities[社区] or neighborhoods on each little island. And more than 430 bridges cross over the canals to connect these communities. Generally, each community has its own church, which faces onto the public square. The public square, which contains a water well, is the nucleus[中心] of the community. Around the square are the homes combining shops. Shops often inhabit[居住于] the first floors with the residence on the second floor. The grand stately[高贵的] palaces, built by the historically wealthy Venetian merchant families, all have their main entrances facing onto the canals. However, the means of transportation for most natives is the small narrow pedestrian[行人] paths and alleys. Given the relative instability[不稳定性] of the ground, the houses are all built on wood pilesany are more than 400 years old.
  Venice currently has a population of 65 thousand. This number is, however, in constant decline[下降]. Tourists swell[增长] this number to around 25 million each year. Central Venice is divided into six administrative[行政管理的] districts: St. Mark's district, which lies in the heart of the city, is the most-visited of the six. The attractions include St. Mark's Square, the Doge's Palace and St. Mark's Church. In St. Mark's Square, visitors can purchase corn from vendors in the square and feed the birds. Almost everybody goes home with a picture of pigeons[鸽子] with St. Mark's Church in the background.
  In Venice you have two optionset around on foot or by boat. Walking in Venice is fun and is an essential[必要的] part of the Venetian experience. You will encounter numerous bridges, boutique shops[时装商店] selling glass souvenirs[纪念品] and squares with outdoor restaurants and cafes. While it's easy to get lost in the narrow streets, you can always find your way back to St. Mark's Square and Rialto[注2] by following many signs attached to buildings.

  If you choose to have a tour on the water, you shouldn't miss the opportunity of taking a romantic gondola ride. Gondolas have been a tradition in Venice for centuries. Initially[最初], they used to transport goods down the narrow Venice canals. Today, gondolas are primarily used for sightseeing[观光] and ceremonial functions. The fastest way to get around Venice is by water taxi. When it rains, taxis are especially convenient since they have a closed cabin[船舱]. Taking a gondola ride in Venice gives you a completely different perspective[景观] of the city than exploring it on foot. If you go for a walk around St. Mark's in the evening, many gondoliers stand near bridges offering gondola rides.
  Venice by day is in complete contrast to Venice by night. During the day, Venice is a busy city. Its canals are filled with water taxis and delivery boats, while the narrow streets are full of shoppers and sightseers[观光游客]. Venice is at its most busy between 10A.M. and 4P.M. Many tourists come to the city on day trips and leave in the afternoon. However, early in the morning you can catch a glimpse[一瞥] of a different Venice. The narrow city streets are empty, except for an occasional local hurrying to work. On the river bank, you can watch rows of gondolas in the calm waters of the lagoon[泻湖]. In the morning, St. Mark's Square is cleaned and prepared for the daily visitors while the pigeons begin to stir and take test flights to the roof above the square.
  Late in the afternoon, you will notice the change of pace[步速] as the day draws to an end. As the day-trippers leave, the city becomes calmer and more romantic. The best time for a romantic gondola ride is late in the afternoon after the delivery boats have left the narrow canals. As you walk along the narrow streets and squares, you can listen to the songs of the gondolier and the sounds coming from open-air restaurants and cafes. After dinner, two cafes feature live open-air orchestras[管弦乐队] in St. Mark's Square. They play popular pieces while visitors sip[呷] their drinks.
  Venice is definitely a place where many a poet and painter, prince and pauper[乞丐], politician and pundit[学者] came to find rest and inspiration[灵感]. It is also the best location for an Italian wedding, too. No wonder the city attracts a large number of lovers to celebrate Valentine's Day. It has even become a hotspot[热点] for romantic Parisians[巴黎人].
摘 要:高校和谐校园建设是构建社会主义和谐社会的重要组成部分,为了推进高校和谐校园建设,始终保持大学生党员的先进性,使大学生党员的先锋模范作用得以进一步的彰显,高校大学生党员必须认真定位,增强角色意识,并成功扮演多维角色。  关键词:和谐校园;学生党员;角色;践行    构建和谐校园是高校认真贯彻落实党的“十七大”精神,建设社会主义和谐社会的具体实践,它既是一个历史发展过程和复杂系统工程,又是一项
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摘 要:人文素质教育是中国教育改革的重要内容之一,针对目前现代汉语教学的现状和存在的问题,探索教改对策和体现人文精神可从以下几个方面入手:进一步明确新形势下的教学目标和观念、不断更新和协调教学内容、积极采用动态教学模式、广泛开展语言实践活动。  关键词:现代汉语;教学;人文素质     一、高校人文素质教育内涵与现代汉语教学     人文素质是指人们在人文方面所具有的综合品质或达到的发展程度。人文
摘 要:新世纪伊始,义务教育和普通高中数学课程标准的出台,给中小学数学教师提出了新的挑战和任务,即如何运用计算机来辅助数学教学;作为中小学数学教师的教育母体,师范院校数学系又该如何让学生掌握计算机辅助数学教学这一数学教学技能?本文基于以上问题分析了数学CAI课程的必要性和紧迫性,结合自己的教学经验,论述了数学CAI课程的内容和教材选择、开设时间以及上机练习等几个方面的问题。  关键词:数学CAI;
摘 要:在建设和谐社会的背景下,必须重视大学生的心态和谐。针对大学生中普遍存在的依赖心理,培育其自强自立的精神应遵循教育引导、目标激励、价值澄清、实践体验等原则,通过整合各种教育资源、营造校园文化、扩展社会实践平台等途径来实现。  关键词:大学生成才;克服依赖心理;培育自强自立精神     当前,由于独生子女太多,在大学生中普遍存一种非健康的心理状态,即依赖心理。社会主义建设必然要求作为时代精英的
摘 要:目前,许多事业单位在资产管理上还是采取半手工或单机计算机的操作方式,管理手段落后、对账困难、信息闭塞、监控不力,管理效率低下。尤为突出的是,目前事业单位管理体制上存在“条块分割”、“前清后乱”,事业单位基本上是按行政区域设置,分部门管理,资源为部门所有,由于缺乏有效的现代网络信息技术手段的支持,严重影响了地区、部门和单位内部及其相互之间资产管理信息的集中度、时效性和连续性,无法为预算资金分
摘 要:近年来,双语教学已经成为我国高校教育教学改革的一个热点问题。本文探讨了省属普通高等院内开展纳米材料化学这门新兴学科双语教学的实施模式及其影响因素,并结合纳米材料化学双语教学的授课经验,阐述了高等教育教学中探索双语教学技巧的理解和体验。  关键词: 双语教学;纳米材料化学;影响因素    21 世纪是信息爆炸、知识爆炸的时代,伴随着世界经济一体化进程的加快和我国改革开放的进一步深化,教育
摘 要:为提高电工电子学课程的教学效果和教学质量,推进该类课程的教学改革,本文从课程改革、教学方法改革、教学手段改革、实验教学改革和考试方法改革几个方面做了一些有益的探索, 提出了电工电子学课程教学改革的方法、改革的方向和手段,旨在培养学生的创新意识和创造能力。  关键词:电工电子学;教学改革;网络技术;实验课;试卷库    电工电子是一门广泛应用于各行各业的通用性技术,具有覆盖面广、技术性强、智
前言:     知识经济时代的到来和经济的全球化,人才因素已成为影响企业发展的根本因素, 面对激烈竞争的挑战,发挥人才的最大效益,是企业面临的重要课题和头等大事,这使得所有组织将目光聚焦于人力资源管理。要使企业在激烈的市场竞争中立于不败之地。可以从以下两个方面入手:一、完善机制,提高人力资源管理队伍的素质; 二、完善管理,提供人才成长的最佳土壤。   随着知识经济时代的到来和经济的全球化,竞争越来