Observation of wave-breaking-free square pulses in a fiber ring laser

来源 :Chinese Optics Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ecoffe
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We experimentally and numerically demonstrate the generation of square pulses without any wave-breaking in a fiber ring laser. A segment of nonzero dispersion-shifted fiber is used to increase the laser cavity length and to optimize the parameters of the laser cavity. In the experiment, the pulse width can be tuned in a wide range from13.5 to 119.5 ns without wave-breaking while the peak power remains almost constant. The maximum singlepulse energy is up to 65.58 n J at a pump power of 508 m W. Numerical results are in good agreement with the experimental results. Numerical results also reveal the role of cavity length and nonlinearity in generating a square pulse without pulse breakup. We experimentally and numerically demonstrate the generation of square pulses without any wave-breaking in a fiber ring laser. A the of the nonzero dispersion-shifted fiber is used to increase the laser cavity length and to optimize the parameters of the laser cavity. , the pulse width can be tuned in a wide range from 13.5 to 119.5 ns without wave-breaking while the peak power remains almost constant. The maximum single pulse energy is up to 65.58 n J at a pump power of 508 m W. Numerical results are in good agreement with the experimental results. Numerical results also reveal the role of cavity length and nonlinearity in generating a square pulse without pulse breakup.
摘 要:本文从汽修专业教学的课前、课中、课后三个节点切入,展开探讨,为更好地将微课融入该学科教学提供了借鉴。  关键词:微课;汽修专业;探索思考  “微课”因其短小精悍、易于传播的特点而受到广大教师、学生的喜欢。汽修专业的课程理论性、实践性较强,知识点比较抽象,学生理解起来比较困难,导致课堂教学效率不高。如何让微课更好地融入汽修专业教学中,使教学更富有成效,值得每一位汽修专业教师进一步探索。  一
摘 要:近年来,我国职业教育教学有了普遍发展,无论是教学规模还是教学质量都在不断提升。随着社会应用型人才需求的增长,职业院校设置了一大批具有较强实践性的专业课程,数控专业便是其中之一。在数控专业的实习教学中,普通车床是一项重要的内容,本文就数控专业普通车床实习教学展开分析。  关键词:数控专业;普通车床;实习教学  在行业不断发展、社会分工越来越细的大环境下,强化专业技能的纵深发展成为现代职业院校
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