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小麦是世界大多数国家的基本粮食作物,它的稳定增产对世界形势的稳定和人类进步均有着巨大的意义。小麦也是我省的主要粮食作物。小麦产量的提高、品质的改良与使用优良品种密切相关。随着科学技术的发展,育种家越来越多地依赖生物工程技术的成就来提高育种成效,而生物工程技术的一个极其重要的环节——组织和细胞培养,目前已成为许多育种家的有效工具。能控制杂种分离、缩短育种年限的花药培养结合杂交育种育成的小麦品种在我国已大面积推广;幼胚培养使不能成熟的胚完成发育,试管受精使杂种胚分化成长,在克服小麦远缘杂交的不亲和性和杂种不实方面正在发挥重要的作用;球茎大麦与小麦杂交中由于染色体消除,结合胚培养产生小麦单倍体植株,开辟了另一条产生单倍体的途径;组织和细胞培养建立起体细胞无性系,不仅能保存和扩大繁殖珍贵材料,而且由于在离体培养过程中,培养物产生染色体数目、结构变异及基因突变,得到体细胞无性系变异,很可能成为一种有效的育种方法,加之原生质体融合和细胞杂交技术的完善,小麦育种将会更有目的有计划的高效地进行。因而组织和细胞培养技术日益引起育种家们的关注、纷纷建立起实验室,致力于该项技术应用于育种实践,以提高育种成效。为此,我们将较系统的介绍小麦组织和细胞培养技术的进展,以供参考。 Wheat is the basic food crop in most countries in the world. Its steady increase in output is of tremendous significance to the stability of the world and to human progress. Wheat is also the main food crop in our province. Wheat yield increase, quality improvement and use of fine varieties are closely related. With the development of science and technology, breeders are increasingly relying on the achievements of bioengineering to improve the breeding effect. One of the most important aspects of bioengineering technology, tissue and cell culture, has now become effective for many breeders tool. The anther culture that can control hybrid separation and shorten the breeding years combined with the breeding of hybrid wheat has been popularized in our country. Immature embryo culture can immature embryos to complete development. In vitro fertilization can make the hybrid embryos differentiate and grow. Of incompatibility and heterozygosity are playing an important role; hybridization of corms of barley and wheat due to the elimination of chromosomes, combined with embryo culture produce wheat haploid plants, opened up another way to produce haploid; tissues and cells Cultivation of somatic clones not only preserves and expands the propagation of precious materials, but also makes it possible to obtain somatic clonal variation due to the number of chromosomes, structural variations and mutations in the culture during in vitro culture, Effective breeding methods, combined with protoplast fusion and cell hybridization, will make wheat breeding more purposeful and planned. Therefore, tissue and cell culture technology has aroused more and more breeders’ attention, and many laboratories have been set up to apply this technology to breeding practice in order to improve the breeding effect. To this end, we will systematically introduce the progress of wheat tissue and cell culture technology for reference.
目的:  瘢痕疙瘩和增生性瘢痕创伤后创面异常愈合反应的结果,以创面愈合过程中成纤维细胞组织的过度生长为特征。近年来,在瘢痕疙瘩和增生性瘢痕的研究过程中形成了许多干预并
摘 要数学不仅关系着学生逻辑思维能力的培养,而且对其分析问题能力的提升也具有重要作用。为了达到了良好的教学效果,必须要对学生说的能力进行训练,使其能够言之有据。为此,本文主要对农村学生在数学课堂中“说”起来的方法进行了分析。  关键词农村学生;数学课堂;语言表达能力  中图分类号:G622 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1002-7661(2018)14-0213-01  随着教育的不断改革,对数学教
探讨中内耳各结构在横断位和冠状位上的HRCT表现特征,以期为耳科临床提供有价值 的参考依据.HRCT极大地提高了组织和结构的空间分辨率,在中内耳解剖的研究中,较常规CT和普通X