Study on the autonomous learning of English listeningusing American TV series

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  1.The rise of American dramas
  American TV series, that is, American TV series, not only have a loyal audience in the our mainland, but with the deepening of globalization and the convenience of the Internet, Chinese audiences have also become die-hard fans of American TV series.Back in the 1980s, when reform and development was just beginning, CCTV introduced some American TV series, such as growing pains. With the progress of the Internet, more American dramas have been introduced to China and gained popularity among Chinese audiences. Friends, lost, prison break, etc. The plots of these episodes have become the topic of conversation among people after dinner, and at the same time, unconsciously improve the English level of English learners. Nowadays, many young people like watching American TV series, imitate their lines and often talk with their friends about "cool". Yes, because the novel plots of American TV dramas have excellent acting skills and tight plots, which have attracted a large number of audiences and gained their love. And through this excellent language environment, English learners have greatly improved their listening, vocabulary and oral English.
  2. The study of American TV series on English listening improvement
  When watching American TV series, you should get to know them first. But just this is very difficult for many English learners, especially beginners. Although almost all American TV series now have subtitle translation groups, what they understand and master must have a deeper impression than what others give them, and they are more comfortable to use. Therefore, in the process of learning, you should try to test your ears, not your eyes, to catch information and improve your listening. In American TV series, there must be a lot of colloquial contents of life, such as greeting and greeting words. These words are very common in life. If you hear them again, you will not feel unfamiliar. In American TV series, the pure American pronunciation can affect the learners' listening level. After understanding the clear pronunciation like stress, linking, swallowing, weak reading and blasting, the learners will recognize these sounds in the next listening. To take a simple example, in the battle scenes of the film, you often hear "get him", which means "kill him", but because of the pronunciation rules, it is often pronounced "get-im". The pronunciation of the letter “h” is omitted, and “t ”is linked to the following im. Again, there will be a lot of mispronunciations that we usually mispronounce. For example, householders, indict, etc. are often pronounced incorrectly because they are based on experience. If you don't believe me, try these sounds yourself. In addition, we can also make mistakes in some accent situations, such as conceive and so on. Through listening, we can correct ourselves and solve problems by combining the pronunciation rules and the accumulation of watching American TV series when encountering new listening.   3.Advice on learning English when watching American TV series
  Know the content in advance. Before watching American TV series, you can learn the plot of the series through BBS , post it on the BBS bar, or through fans. You can carefully analyze the plot and deepen your understanding of the dialogue. As to the vocabulary, long sentences in advance,you should strengthen understanding and even keep them in mind. Don't rely too much on subtitles of American TV series. As I mentioned, many subtitle translators are not professional translators, and they maybe go wrong. So,English learners should not rely too much on subtitles. If possible, they should try to avoid reading Chinese subtitles, so that they can not only enjoy the original English, but also concentrate on improving their listening. Open your mouth. Just because we have such vivid and beautiful plays as audiovisual materials, we can never continue to suffer the loss of "dumb English". Only through opening mouth practice can the spoken language in film and TV play add its own understanding and mark, correct the pronunciation in imitation and establish its own characteristics in imitation.
  All in all, American TV series have stimulated English learners, providing excellent language environment for listening. After a long time of imitation and practice, learners will be improved in all listening of English.
  [1]Yang hongyan, zhang di. Study on the correlation between watching American TV series and English learning [J]. Overseas English, 2010(11):538-539.
  [2]Lin fangting. The influence of American TV series on high school English listening ability [M]. Harbin normal university.2013.
摘 要:小学语文课堂练习模式的探索与运用要立足以学生为本,通过融入课堂教学、引导学生探究及多元手段沟通等环节,形成在学中问、在问中学的教学局面。通过发挥语文教师的主导作用,确立学生在练习教学中的主体地位,以问题为导向来调动各教学要素参与到练习教学中,促进学生课堂练习的高效性。  关键词:生本视角;小学语文;课堂练习;教学模式  新一轮课程改革背景下,以学生为本的理念已经深入到小学语文教学的方方面面
摘 要:世界上有很多种不同的语言,每种语言所承载的是每个地方的文以价值观念。在当前大学的英语教学中,融入了一些西方的文化,这对大学生学习英语有很大的好处,但是相对来说,也在一定程度上使我国的传统文化受到了一定的冲击,而且使大部分的大学生的价值观产生了一定的偏差。文章结合当前大学英语文化对学生价值观的影响,提出了相应合理的对策。  关键词:英语文化;大学生;价值观;对策  当前世界不但是开放的世界,
摘 要:新课程、新课改新高考的目的就是要培养学生的能力,在高中历史教育中,历史事实重要,但是学习历史更重要的是思考历史事件产生的原因、结果以及对后世的影响。因此,培养学生的学习历史要有辩证唯物主义、历史唯物主义的观点,要在历史事件中学会思考,善于思考。本文拟就历史教学中培养学生的思考能力谈谈自己的一点实践探究,以期能够抛砖引玉。  关键词:新课改;高中历史;思维能力;培养探究  一、历史教学首先要
摘 要:初中阶段的历史课程教学,有助于学生对历史事件或人物的进一步了解,将学生对我国历史发展的感悟能力逐渐提升。所以教师在开展课程教学期间,注意多元化的教学方法应用,有助于学生对历史知识更加直观的感受。本文主要是对历史教学中的情境教学方法探究,着重讨论其中的重点与难点内容,提出个人观念。  关键词:初中历史;情境教学方法;策略研究  初中历史课程对学生的影响价值巨大,很多历史事件或背景条件明晰,对
Preface  In the early 20th century,English has established its position in the global development. However, with the development of the Internet, the globalization of English has become more and more
摘 要:随着我国社会的不断发展,小学教育教学条件较之前有了很大的改善,为提高小学教学质量奠定了基础。尤其是在农村教育中,淘汰了一大批不适合教学的危房、土坯房教学楼,将学生向更宽敞、明亮的新教学楼搬迁为加强农村小学教学质量提供了保障。在学校搬迁的过程中,部分学生的行为习惯涉及到发生变化,如何促进小学生在学校搬迁的过程中养成良好的行为习惯就显得尤为重要。  关键词:农村小学;搬迁;好习惯;策略  在我
摘 要:小组合作学习在初中数学教学中的开展,具有主体性、互动交流性、团队合作性的特点。在新课程改革背景下,初中数学教师在教学中,应当积极开展小组合作学习,促进学生数学学习效率的提升。  关键词:初中数学;小组合作;特点;对策  小组合作学习是伴随着新课程改革的发展而逐渐被广泛应用的一种教育模式。小组合作学习模式的运用,改变了传统课桌式的讲授教学模式,有利于发挥学生学习的主观能动性,提高学生的自主学
摘要:语言表达是一个人在社会活动中的重要组成部分,语言表达能力差会影响一个人的交际。新课程标准明确指出:“说话训练要贯穿于整个语文教学环节之中”然而生活在农村的孩子大多数都存在表达能力差,因此怎样把说话训练与语文教学各环节结合起来使学生在学习过程中不断地培养和提高说话能力是我们语文教师的首要责任。数学课堂中的“说”同样重要。  关键词:小学生;语言;表达  怎样把说话训练与语文教学各环节结合起来使
摘 要:小学语文教学中,教师在课堂上进行有效的提问是教学中比较重要的一个互动环节。通过分析目前小学语文教学中课堂提问的现状以及课堂提问对小学语文教学的重要意义,提出了有效提高小学语文教学中课堂提问的具体策略,从而激发学生的学习兴趣,提高小学语文的教学质量。  关键词:小学语文;课堂提问;有效性;实施策略  小学语文作为小学课程中的一门主要课程,课堂提问是提高教学质量的一个关键。只有教师适时地对学生
摘 要:素质教育是当代教育的主题,在高中英语阅读教学中,教师要注重德育教育的渗透。让学生在英语阅读学习中,不仅能积累较多的英语知识,还能够提升自己的综合素质,成为符合新时代发展需要的高素质人才。本文对英语阅读教学中渗透德育教育的重要性进行分析,并就其渗透策略进行探讨。  关键词:英语阅读教学;渗透;德育  在高中英语阅读教学中,教师不仅要尽量帮助学生巩固基础知识,还要通过阅读训练,培养学生的英语听