龙脑香(Diptrocarpus spp.)材厚单板镟切研究

来源 :林业科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dingwei1234
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一、引言合板采用厚中板结构,可提高木材利用率、劳动生产率,降低胶粘剂消耗。这是合板生产的一个方向。但中板厚度增加,在镟切中会带来一些问题:单板表面质量易于降低,厚度均匀性较难控制,而对阔叶材的厚单板镟切问题就更多。因此,我们选择一种容重较大的龙脑香(Diptrocarpus spp.)材进行厚单板的镟切试验研究,寻找镟切加工中,各种工艺参数对单板质量的影响和确定工艺条件。 First, the introduction Plywood thick plate structure, can improve the utilization of timber, labor productivity, reduce adhesive consumption. This is a direction of plywood production. However, the increase in the thickness of the slab will bring some problems in the slab cutting: the surface quality of the veneer is easy to be reduced, the thickness uniformity is more difficult to control, and the problem of the thick veneer slab cutting of the hardwood is more. Therefore, we choose a heavier bulk content of Dipterocarpaceus (Diptrocarpus spp.) For thick veneer cutting test research, looking for cutting process, the various process parameters on the veneer quality and determine the process conditions.
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