冀中能源邢台矿7623为充填开采工作面,现开采2号煤上层.回采过程中需过5条中间巷,中间巷全部采用锚网支护,在回采过程中产生了大量的废旧锚杆,在工作面推进到326 m时要过5号煤底层7109穿层巷道.通过研究,决定利用废旧锚杆和膏体材料联合支护立柱结构,来支撑保护支架从穿层巷道顺利通过,在保护液压支架的同时也充分利用了废旧材料,取得了较好的经济效益.“,”7623 filling mining working face of Xingtai Mine,Jizhong Energy Resources Corporation,was explored No. 2.upper coal mining. Based on extraction process passing through 5 middle lanes,which all adopted the anchor net supporting,produced a large amount of waste in the process of stoping anchor,when pushing 326 m the working face needed to cross five low-level 7109 wear layer coal roadway. Through research,the company decided to make full use of waste anchor and form the backbone of the paste material to support the protection roadway passing from wearing layer.The technology protected the hydraulic support,made full use of the waste materials and generated considerable economic benefits.